New Betta Has Stress Stripe, Need Help


Sep 3, 2005
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I bought a new betta today but I had to go somewhere so I left it up to my grandmother to float the bag and add water from the tank. So I just got home and looked at him he has a stress stripe on both sides of him. What can I do to unstress him and get the stripe to go away? And what do you think my grandmother could have done wrong to cause this?
Never mind. All I did was put his tank next to another bettas tank and it disappered within 10 minutes. Thanks anyway. :)
What could have caused this stress strip because my grandmother said all she did was let the bag sit for 20 minutes and then she poured some of the tank water into the bag then let it set for 5 minutes then she said it was easy to scoop him out with the net and she stuck the net into the tank and he swam out. What could have stressed him out so much to get a stress stripe?
What could have caused this stress strip because my grandmother said all she did was let the bag sit for 20 minutes and then she poured some of the tank water into the bag then let it set for 5 minutes then she said it was easy to scoop him out with the net and she stuck the net into the tank and he swam out. What could have stressed him out so much to get a stress stripe?
Why won't anyone reply ?Doesn't anyone know anything about stress stripes?
WOW! people are probably not responding because you already answered your own question and it's kind of annoying when there are 6 posts in the thread and their all from you...

bettas get stressed for lots of reason, and when they settle down and get comfortable in their environment, they get tehir coloring back....
Thanks. I knew I already answered on how to get rid of it but I was wondering what could have caused it since my grandmother did the same thing I do with all my other bettas and they didn't get stress stripes so I was wondering if maybe he was alittle cold and alittle depressed with not being able to see anything for a couple hours.
Why won't anyone reply ?Doesn't anyone know anything about stress stripes?

Durbkat, fish get stressed during transport, no matter how gentle you are with them, and bettas show stress stripes. It is probably an old instinctual coloration to breakup its form to ward off predators or confuse rivals, if they want to make a get away or show submission. Stripes, whether due to stress or a natural coloration (think zebras) break up the outline of the animal, making it more difficult to locate. It's a defense mechanism that is still carried by bettas eventhough our fancy varieties will probably never have to encounter a wild bird or other predator, but if they feel stressed, for example, big giant hand scooping them with a net, they probably feel safer dulling their color to blend with the background. This coloration would probably work great in their rice paddy habitat. Unfortunately, they can't blend to match the neon caves and rainbow gravel of the modern aquarium, so that dull color and stripes is an indication to us that they're not secure about something. :p It's really not that big a deal unless it's prolonged, in which case it could mean unfavorable conditions or disease. If he has colored up already, then probably no harm. Hunding had stress stripes when I introduced him, now he's fine and dandy. Don't worry, just be up on your water changes, feed good food, and he should adjust fine to his new environment. Imagine being jostled around in a bag, scooped up with a net and placed in a new environment. That would stress anything out. I'm not an expert on stress stripes, this is just based on my experience with bettas, and what I can deduce from the behavior of wild animals. Fellow forum members may correct me if I'm way off base, but poor Durbkat hasn't had a response yet, and I didn't want him to feel left out in the cold.
Ok, thanks. It's just that this was the first time I ever had a betta with this stress stripe before. And yes his color has returned and brightened since he is in a WAY bigger tank than the cup at my lps. He now has a blue body and pink and alittle red fins.
It's my understanding that stress lines can come and go rather frequently--it doesn't take much at all to stress some of the little dudes. I would be more concerned if the fish had been settled in for a month or two and then developed stress lines.
I wouldn't worry too too much. My blue female, Bindi, stripes up whenever I move her tank. Once she calms down a little it goes away, no problem. It could have just been that your new betta was adjusting to the new water temperature, or that he was just confused by the whole thing.

Oh, and bumping your own post to get hits is a little cheesy XD People here are very good about answering questions! Just give them a little time to respond, if it's not an emergency :)
I'm sorry I was just worried about him and was afraid like if I didn't like keep the topic towards the top that my topic would be bumped down to the bottom of the forum and nobody would scroll down their and see it.

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