New betta died in QT tank - do I need to disinfect?


Nov 2, 2020
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So, unfortunately my beautiful new betta, Sky, died sometime last night or early morning. I had him in a 10 gallon quarantine tank with no other inhabitants other than a couple of baby ramshorn that hitchhiked in on some new plants. I had 2 silk plants in the tank, an anubias nana, and a couple of floating plant varieties.

I did not see any signs of outward injury or disease on Sky when I took him out of the tank. I would like to try again with another betta and was hoping to get one soon and add him to my existing QT tank set-up. Do I need to do anything to the tank before I get a new betta? Raise the heat to kill anything I can't see? Dose it with salt? Take everything out and use hydrogen peroxide? How medieval do I need to get on this tank before adding a new betta?

Wow, you've really got some terrible luck, I'm sorry for your loss! Maybe @Colin_T could help you out here.
Might be best to stave off on the new fish for now, at least.
I would just do a large WC, rinse the media in old tank water, and retry.

Sorry for the loss.
I’m sorry for your loss... how old was he? :(

I would honestly just take down the whole tank and re do it. That’s the best way of getting rid of whatever killed him and it gives you a piece of mind.

(Make sure to wash everything very well)
I’m sorry for your loss... how old was he? :(

I would honestly just take down the whole tank and re do it. That’s the best way of getting rid of whatever killed him and it gives you a piece of mind.

(Make sure to wash everything very well)
I had just gotten him from PetCo last Saturday. So not quite a week old. He never acted 'right'. For a couple of days he just laid on the bottom of the tank. The past couple of days he did come up to the top and mid sections of the tank and moved around a bit, but it definitely was not your typical betta behavior. He would just wedge into plants and stay motionless most of the day. Over the course of the week he only ate 2 blood worms. I could not get him to eat anything else.
I had just gotten him from PetCo last Saturday.
This could be an issue... A good amount of the first stock I got (2 yoyos, 6 glowlight tetras, 6 neon tetras and 3 bronze corys) that I got from a large pet shop chain died and another few were visibly deformed.
Always best to go straight to a proper fish shop rather than a corporate, money grabbing pet shop like PetCo.
This could be an issue... A good amount of the first stock I got (2 yoyos, 6 glowlight tetras, 6 neon tetras and 3 bronze corys) that I got from a large pet shop chain died and another few were visibly deformed.
Always best to go straight to a proper fish shop rather than a corporate, money grabbing pet shop like PetCo.
The PetSmart's in my area are deplorable. The PetCo does a better job with their fish than my local fish stores (and I use that term lightly). I went in to get a betta from the 'best' LFS in my area and half the bettas were dead in their containers. I have gotten several tetras from this PetCo and they are all doing well. The ones I've gotten from the LFS's have died. I also tried to buy online from a breeder and it died in transit. So PetCo in my area is actually the best option for fish. The one I bought looked healthy and had just arrived at the shop the day prior.
Could have been genetics, so he was suffering from something while in the shelves. Nothing to beat yourself up about - these things can’t be prevented. :)

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