New Betta Boy


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2006
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:* Aw. I got a beautiful new betta boy. But I have a couple questions, I have plastic plants in his tank and I 'm starting to wonder if those might rip his fins.
Thanks in Advance...
:fun: LiBERTiNE
Depends on his fannage and the plants themselves. Some of my bettas have plastic plants and liveplants. Live are preferable of course but not always possible. If you find he's ripping them then remove them and either get live or silk plants to replace them.
hey. they have the potential to rip the fins. If you want plants, but don't want to delve into the realm of live plants, you can always go with silk plants. They're much softer than plastic plants. If you go with silk plants, buy them from a dollar store as they're much cheaper for the same price, and you get almost an identical product.

I had some plastic plants in my betta's tank and a few days later I noticed his fins weren't looking so good.. I'm not positive that it was the plants, but just to be safe I would go with either silk or live plants. I think silk looks a lot nicer too. :D

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