New BBG's!


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I stopped by a lfs, and to my amazement they had in bumble bee gobies. :lol: And I had to take some of my own advice...I do believe they had "freshwater" and "brackish" BBG's together. Some had solid bands around them, and others had broken ones. They all looked relatively healthy (I'm sure it takes awhile to see any ill effects from having them in the wrong water), but luckily the guy was patient enough with me to pick out two that I thought were freshwater females. They both were so dull in color (almost white and grey), but now after being in my tank for oh, ten minutes, they are really becoming brightly colored. No problems with my other BBG though, so maybe they are females (and they are SO tiny...even for BBG). They seem to be alot happier in my tank (or maybe just getting use to the new surroundings). Swimming all over...hanging on the side of the tank...they just sat in the lfs. Looks like they are having a real hootinany...that's right...I said hootinany. :lol:
Hi, I too bought some BBG's the other day at our store. ARe they ever cute critters, but mean. Oh my gosh, my puffer does not know what to make of the one in particular. He is even mean to the other gobie, but tonight I noticed that the one being picked on is fighting back.

They are so funny, mine were kept in a brackish tank at the store. What do you mean about broken color? aRe you talking about the bands?

They are so beautiful in color, the brightest black and yellow I have ever seen. The mean one I call him is very very dark, the other one, the black band close to the eyes is somewhat paler in color but the rest of the body is very bold yellow and black.

They are quite comical to watch hey :fun:

Your's are mean? Mine have always been such sweet little angels...just minding their own business. Guess it varies from BBG to BBG :D . Yeah, the bands. Some of the BBG have bands that don't go around their whole body, but instead tapper off at the end. I believe those guys might be the brackish variety.

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