New Baby!


Jan 5, 2006
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Cheshire England
Got a text off my father-in-law last night to say he had found one baby bronze cory in his tank! He has 4 adult bronze cories and only noticed this one baby yesterday. Can't wait to see it on Friday and to ask whether he has noticed any more eggs in the tank. Other tank mates are bala sharks and a huge kissing gourami, just hope the little guy survives ok. :wub:
Got a text off my father-in-law last night to say he had found one baby bronze cory in his tank! He has 4 adult bronze cories and only noticed this one baby yesterday. Can't wait to see it on Friday and to ask whether he has noticed any more eggs in the tank. Other tank mates are bala sharks and a huge kissing gourami, just hope the little guy survives ok. :wub:

chances are if the other fish or even the parents come across it they will eat it. I find it hard to beleive that the adults laid only 1 egg so the chances are that they had been predated im afraid. See if he can get the little fella out and into a floating tub or even better... another tank :)

good luck

I have found that fry are pretty safe with parents. Eggs on the other hand are another story. I had a breeding group of 5 bronze and 2 albino cories and they'd eat the eggs, unless I removed them to my raising tank. Occasionally fry had hatched from well hidden eggs and they went on to grow in the main tank and actually thrived more than the fry in the raising tank. Of course if he has other fish in the tank, they probably would eat the fry.

It's always nice finding a surprise like that. That's how we came to find our C. Aeneus were breeding.

I agree with Alex and Carmen. When fry survive to the point that you can see them as more than dashing dots, they will usually make it with the parents, but the other tank mates may find them yummy. I can usually return my pepper fry to the community tank when they are 1/2" to 1". The lps will buy the fry at 1". They are pretty well stable by that time. I have put wittle tiny guys with Cory parents and they do okay as long as they don't get run over rough and tumble. I regularly have bronze eggs survive and grow to thrive in a Cory only tank--about 1 or 2 per spawn.
Thanks for replies guys. I can only assume that the cories laid a load of eggs, well hidden, and this one hatched and survived somehow! They have all been in the tank for some months. I know he doesn't have another tank and is not interested in breeding any fish so this little chap will have to take his chances in the main tank. Mind you if he has survived long enough to be confident to be out and about feeding he must be a tough little bugger and hopefully quick enough now to get out of trouble.

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