New Baby Girl Gave Me A Fright


Fish Herder
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
West yorkshire
Ok so i havn't been around in the bettas section for a while as i've been dabbling in cichlids and now have a 20gal community as well as the 3 boys and now a little girl.
She lives in the 10gal that used to be home to radish( more on him later) i rescaped it with rocks, 2 coconut caves, elodia, amazon swords and plenty of java moss and java fren. Inhabitants include 3otos 7ADFs and her. She was an impulse buy as i was out just browsing and decided to pick up some fish for my 20gal. After deciding that there were no males that really appealed to me, i'm really wanting something other than a VT now, and picking out 3 hatchetfish and 3 thick lipped gouramis i took a quick peek into the females tank. i sadly spotted a few PK males in there but then as i was about to go pick up my other fish i spotted a little flash of white, i looked closer and saw her about 4cm long with little black eyes and a white based body with little blue fins and spotted blue scales, i loved her and a £1.35 i thought she would make a great start to my sorority, i didn't see any other girls that caught my eye so she came home with me and is now very at home in the 10g she's quiet and inquisitive but leaves the frogs and otos alone. Normally i get the cheeky nutters lol so shes quite a change. Anyway 2 days ago i was just watching my tanks and looked up to hers and she was gone :huh: I hunted high and low for her to no avail, i was really quite miffed as i'd grown quite attatched to her. So today after a nap (wasn't feeling too good) i looked up and there she was! Very casually inspecting a frog as if it were talking to her HA! :hyper: Anyway she's my newest addition to the betta family.
My second newest is Hector my first red boy, he's got some turquoise in him and lives in Broms old 5gal which is now planted. Djin and Heibai are still with me. Djin in his same old tank which has had a re scape and is also now planted, and Heibai my little yelllow boy no longer lives in is 3gal bowl, i moved his filter and heater across to a 3gal tank which now sits on my bedside table and i'm currentlt treating him for a touch of finrot which is clearing up nicley :good:
Now about my old boy's, i'm sad to say that Brom passed away from unknown causes, i found him one morning at the bottom of the tank with his head bent back at a hideouse angle because his gills were so flared out, is this normal for a betta? I'd nursed Brom from having no fins what so ever and it hurt to see him go. As for Radish my first ever tropical fish and betta, he was what made me want to keep tropical fish. He was looking peaky one morning so i turned off his lights to let him settle. The next morning only a few days after losing Brom i found him in the exact state Brom was in. That hurt me bad i miss the little pink guy. He was always so full of mischeif and fishy antics. R.I.P Little boys

I'll add pics of the tanks in the journal section when i can be bothered lol :lol:
Hey hon, good to see you about again. Really really sorry to hear that radish and brom passed on, really unsure what happened there, hopefully someone can shed some light for you. Glad the others are still going strong and your new girl sounds absolutely fantastic! Cant wait to see pics of them all and the setups
welcome back to the betta side!

sorry about your little guys.

i had the same thing not long ago, my little Flea, she got caught in the java fern and drowned, her gills were all flared out and she was bent in a horrible position :(

cant wait for pics :D
Thanks it was pretty sudden. I was out of the forums for a while because of variouse life troubles but i still had all the tanks going, just seemed so much like work you know :/

The boys died at a bad time (i was losing alot of things in my life and one of my dogs i've had for 9years died the same week) but i'm back in with enthusiasm now :D

Sorry to hear about calcifer too amy he was so beautiful. And Haych i bought Djin as a female and he turned out to be male luckily he already had his own tank, things will work out with the big divided you've got it looks great :good:

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