
Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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Last night my female Guppy had 12 babies!!! :D You should have seen me fighting her to get the babies out!! :hyper: She managed to get a couple :sad: But as soon as I seen them be born I would grab them, She was trying to be faster than me!!! :lol: It was funny watching us fight for the babies..
Congrats on your new guppy fry! I managed to save 4 from one of my molly's batches. But I only have 2 fry left :( I hope these 2 survive!

so how many did you save out the 12 or was 12 how many you saved? :/

So are you going to need a bigger or another tank? - this is how MTS starts so beware lol ;)

i only managed to save 1 platty and i found 3 platty but i think the 1 i saved is dead.... -_-

I saved all 12, I was fighting mom for them LOL :lol: I am breeding guppies and I plan on getting a bigger tank, Also the first batch I can tell the sexes now so they are fixing to be seperated..I have in all 20 baby guppies...

I did have the mother in the breeding net but she still manages to eat them, so as soon as she had one I would get it out, after the 12 one I watched her and she didnt have any more for an hour, so I was tired and went to bed, I dont know if she had any more, if she did she ate them...

I CANNOT get my Molly to have babies :sad: I want Molly babies!!!! :hyper:
Never mind, I still have 3 fry! I wa sjust feeding them and there all 3 of them were! I guess he/she was just hiding!

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