New Member
Hi all.
Well I finally picked up the fish from my friend (the guy that was moving and gave my daughter all his fish) When I arrived at his house and saw the tank, my hart dropped . The tank was green, food all over the bottom and the filter was poorly flowing (could almost hear them screaming for help). I smiled and told my friend how happy I was to be taking his fish from him (this is the same guy who performs a complete water change every month, No wonder.)
When the fish arrived to there new home, I noticed some very sad things:
1-I know see why they called the tetra twitchy; he really does twitch all the time— Lonely? when could I add some friends for him?
2-1 of the Molly’s has a large deformity, she has a hump just after her eyes and her tail fin is bent---What do I do to help her?
3-1 of the males has whit spots all over him---Ich I think
On a positive note I think the other female is carrying. She is 3 times the size of the other molly’s (except for the deformed one).---Is there any other way to tell if she is carrying?
Well it looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me, any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Well I finally picked up the fish from my friend (the guy that was moving and gave my daughter all his fish) When I arrived at his house and saw the tank, my hart dropped . The tank was green, food all over the bottom and the filter was poorly flowing (could almost hear them screaming for help). I smiled and told my friend how happy I was to be taking his fish from him (this is the same guy who performs a complete water change every month, No wonder.)
When the fish arrived to there new home, I noticed some very sad things:
1-I know see why they called the tetra twitchy; he really does twitch all the time— Lonely? when could I add some friends for him?
2-1 of the Molly’s has a large deformity, she has a hump just after her eyes and her tail fin is bent---What do I do to help her?
3-1 of the males has whit spots all over him---Ich I think
On a positive note I think the other female is carrying. She is 3 times the size of the other molly’s (except for the deformed one).---Is there any other way to tell if she is carrying?
Well it looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me, any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!