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New Member
Jul 20, 2004
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London Ontario
Hi all.

Well I finally picked up the fish from my friend (the guy that was moving and gave my daughter all his fish) When I arrived at his house and saw the tank, my hart dropped :( . The tank was green, food all over the bottom and the filter was poorly flowing (could almost hear them screaming for help). I smiled and told my friend how happy I was to be taking his fish from him (this is the same guy who performs a complete water change every month, No wonder.)
When the fish arrived to there new home, I noticed some very sad things:

1-I know see why they called the tetra twitchy; he really does twitch all the time— Lonely? when could I add some friends for him?

2-1 of the Molly’s has a large deformity, she has a hump just after her eyes and her tail fin is bent---What do I do to help her?

3-1 of the males has whit spots all over him---Ich I think

On a positive note I think the other female is carrying. She is 3 times the size of the other molly’s (except for the deformed one).---Is there any other way to tell if she is carrying?

Well it looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me, any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

If one of the fish has ick for certain, I think you need to treat them to stop it spreading. If it's ick it should look kinda like a sprinkling of salt.

What kind of "twitching" is the tetra doing? Does it look like he's flicking himself against things? If so, that could be the start of ick, aswell.

If the molly's deformity is just "something she was born with" then I don't think there's anything you can do, other than just take good care of her as you would with all fish. If it's developed recently then I have no clue what it could be. Any chance you could ask the guy how long she's been like that? -_-

That tetra is lonely but I think adding friends for him at this stage would do more harm than good, because of the possibility of them coming down with ick, and because you need to make sure the tank is cycled first.

Incidentally, could you get a pic of the tetra so someone could ID it for when you are ready to get friends for him?
clutterydrawer said:
If one of the fish has ick for certain, I think you need to treat them to stop it spreading. If it's ick it should look kinda like a sprinkling of salt.

What kind of "twitching" is the tetra doing? Does it look like he's flicking himself against things? If so, that could be the start of ick, aswell.

If the molly's deformity is just "something she was born with" then I don't think there's anything you can do, other than just take good care of her as you would with all fish. If it's developed recently then I have no clue what it could be. Any chance you could ask the guy how long she's been like that? -_-

That tetra is lonely but I think adding friends for him at this stage would do more harm than good, because of the possibility of them coming down with ick, and because you need to make sure the tank is cycled first.

Incidentally, could you get a pic of the tetra so someone could ID it for when you are ready to get friends for him?
clutterydrawer, you nailed the description of what I am seeing exactly (looks like a grain of salt sticking to his side).
As for the twitching, I would not say that he is rubbing against objects, he just sites in his territory and twitches, and when another fish comes near he bumps the other fish out of the way.
Will have to ask Mike about the deformity...He has left the province now, and he will not be set up untill this weekend :(
Great point on introducing new Tetras.
As for a picture of him, I will try to bring one in for tomorrow, for now, he is mostly silver, has a black stripe on his rear fin (tips are black), and has orange in his eyes. Not sure if the description helps or not

Can tetras be inner mixed? When I was at the LFS they had some great looking tetras and I rather liked the following: Neon Tetra, Bleeding Heart Tetra, and the Glowlight Tetra to name a few...

Thanks for all your help
poor fishies :( ah well....ick is treatable I think...

It sounds like that tetra is just staying afloat. Mine like to hover in one spot form time to time, but obviously they can't just "relax" cos they'd drift away, especially because of the current from the filter going they twitch. Just like a flick of the fins every now and then to keep them in the same place. Does that sound like what he's doing?

I don't recognise the description but then I don't know all that many tetra species...maybe a pic will help.

Various people have stated that tetras can be kept in mixed groups and that they will sometimes shoal together. I personally wouldn't do it but that's just me. Partly cos I think they look nicer in groups of their own kind and partly cos it seems that when there's enough of one species they'll stick with their own kind rather than go with a different kind.

Maybe you could get a few small schools of different types? Depending on your tank size of course.

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