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Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2003
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Somewhere over the rainbow...
Okay, I went to the LFS and got some fish. I did some research and found out that they were Algae eaters. There appears to be many different types of them, but i'm not sure which type they are. I got two of them, and put them in the one gallon container with my betta, and the fungus. They like to scale the surface, and travel together. They are active now, and quick, too. The betta seems to be chasing them and flaring, but he stopped. I'm guessing that they will help eat all the fungus? What type are the ones I got? Any info on them? Is what I did right?
And they don't seem to be stressed, either. Seriously, they were pulled out of the water with a net, thrown into a bucket, forced into a bag, shaken and twisted around when pumping the air in and water, then twisted some more while the bag was tying. Then, they had to sit in a shaking bag while I hurried home and got everything ready, then taken out of the bag with a cup (and it was very hard to do that), and dumped into a completely different home. But stressed?? NO! I can't believe it...not that stress is a good thing, but these must be pretty hardy fish!
you should try to find out the type they are. also you need to acclimate fish before dumping them into a tank. to prevent transferring diseases, you should set up a quarantine tank to watch them for about 2 weeks before adding them to any community. you don't want to risk the health of the rest of the community.
Get yourself a net or two.. 2 makes catching small fast fish easier.. ANd dont get the smallest ones.. And there are tons of "algae eaters" so we would need more of a description. What were they labled at the fish store? If Pleco, those things get huge.. And algae is Not fungus so i doubt they will eat any of that.. It's probably going to kill them. That or the lack of food(clean tank=no algae) and water problems(no filter)is going to kill them in a week or two.. I'd take them back as soon as possible.. Save up and bet a bigger tank if you want to keep anything but a Betta. research Before you do this as to make sure u do it right.. Otherwise you're going to be flushing your money down the toilet.. :fun:
I'd just like to say, I think you should learn about what a certain type of fishes needs are before you rush out and buy them, for starters, a 1g tank is no where near big enough for any more fish than your betta, and a lot of the "algae eaters" get very big. Personally I think you should take these fish back and wait until a) you have a big enough tank, B) you know what they are, c) you know how to take care of them. Act fast before your poor fish are harmed
Now what u should do is get the essentials for fish keeping.. Like a water test kit, dechlorinator, some aquarium salt, some nets, a gravel vac or one of those no-spill cleaners(im checkin one of these out). Try picking up some books or magazines like I do.. I find them very interesting to read and you learn quite alot.. U need some new "reading room" material don't ya? :) Then save up and get u a 20 or 30 gal tank to start with. That way you can put a few different fish in it if u want. you'll still have to be carefull as some fish will outgrow this size tank easily.. Go for smaller fish maybe like a tetra or some gouramis.. Be sure to "cycle" the tank before you add anything tho. You can find all the info you need on that in these forums.. Oh eyah, keep readin the forums as well!

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