New Arrivals - Making Them At Home

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Jul 30, 2005
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Hi All,

So I've got myself 3 Pakistani loaches this afternoon (snails your days might be numbered!) which I've put in my quarantine tank (lesson learned from my last lot of fish) which has gravel, a small plant pot on its side, some cuttings of a plant from my main tank and thats it, it looks a little bit bare and I'm a bit worried it may be too bare for the new fish, will this be ok or should I look to add a couple of rocks or something to add exta hiding places, or willl I be ok with what I've got, I understand it's best to keep these tanks pretty bare.


Hi Rowdyates,

Well done! You've done the right thing in quarantining your new additions. Sounds like you've gained experience. That's good to hear.

Your Pakistani's/Yo-Yo's'll be fine. They'd be busy exploring their new tank, establishing dominance and chasing each other around (if mine are anything to go by), so won't care. But then I don't think it'd hurt to have a couple more hiding places.

The only trouble you might have will be catching them when the time comes to remove them!
Yup, they are all over the place, two of them have settled down in the pot and the other is in a corner, must admit although it's nice to get the fish, being a newbie it's a bit stressfull, I always fear the worst and just watch them thinking is this normal!

I'll maybe try and put something else in there as well.



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