New Aqurium!


New Member
Dec 10, 2011
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Well I have a salt water a aqurium set up and this is my first salt water aqurium. I have a small 28 gallon with a heater, light, live rock and sand, and every thing elese. I got my starter fish today consisting of a Blue/Green Reef Chromis (Chromis viridis)and a Yellow Tail Damelsel. Any tips, advice, or answeres to my queations are greatly appriciated!! So what fish would be good next?! I relly like thoes little cowfish, could i put one of thoes in latter?! What about a Sea Slug?! Thank You!!

Post a picture of your tank please. How long has this tank been set up? What is everything else? List your equipment. Do you know your stats? Is your LR cured or uncured?.

My advice, take the fish back to the store & cycle the tank the proper way. But first read through MARC. The resource center pinned topic. Sorry, I'm barraging you with questions, but the term "starter" fish set off all sorts of alarms in my brain. No "starter" fish in any of my marine tanks. Have a read of the journals so you can see how the procedure goes.

Welcome to the salty side. :)

I have cycled it properly. It has been set up since a week after Crhistmas. My rock is cured.
I dont mean to let you down, but cowfish get large. Most sea slugs are hard to care for, but a green lettuce sea slug will work. They stay small and are easy to care for. Good luck! Please post pics.
What about a Sea Slug?!

Basically NO in most tanks. But you need to be specific about what you're interested in. There are really 3 categories in the hobby: sea hares (Aplysiidae), lettuce slugs (Elysia species), and things with diets that make them nearly or completely impossible to sustain in captivity and in a small tank.

Sea hares can be great animals, but they add substantially to the bioload with the amount they eat and they are also not 100% certain to be safe. Although most individuals available in the trade (largely Dolabella auricularia) will probably never cause an upset, see my "Slugarium" thread in the journals section for an example of an individual that caused me rather a lot of upset recently.

Lettuce slugs are quite physically fragile and require a peaceful tank with bright light and a sustainable supply of the right macroalgae.

but a green lettuce sea slug will work. They stay small and are easy to care for.

And they are easily killed by other, normally innocuous animals. They are generally a bad choice for beginners due to their fragility and the need to have a stable supply of edible macro for them.

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