
Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2021
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Winston-Salem North Carolina
Hello again everyone!

I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal hardscape, majority silk plants (plastic and betta fins always make me nervous), and a couple of moss balls. However, she's decided that she would like to try her hand at a legit planted tank.

I have a couple of aquascaped tanks and feel comfortable with the challenges they pose. I'm prepared to set her up with decent LEDs, substrate, liquid fertilizer and/or root tabs, and a CO2 system.

The beginning of a project is always exciting and I was wondering if anyone had any interesting design or plant selection suggestions. I already have some extra java moss that I can transfer from an established tank but I don't necessarily need to use it. We're thinking low-moderate light (adjustable) with good cover for the betta.
What is your tank dimensions?
Actually to do a proper planted tank, you may will need a longer tank, probably at least 2 ft (60cm) long.
Small tank will be hard to do a proper planted tank.

Actually for your 5 gallons tank, it will be better just to put a few small driftwoods only instead of a planted tank.
You can also consider rocks formation only style or the Iwagumi style especially if the Betta has long and big tail and fins.

But if you still want to put some plants, I suggest 1-2 Anubias Nana. This plant has nice shapes, easy to manage and require only low light.
Or you can get tie a few small Anubias Nana on a driftwood.

Here are some useful info about aquascaping.

Hello again everyone!

I've been working on a new project- a five gallon cube that will eventually house a betta and possibly a mystery snail. This tank will be maintained primarily by my girlfriend as her introduction to the hobby. Originally, we were going to keep it pretty basic with minimal hardscape, majority silk plants (plastic and betta fins always make me nervous), and a couple of moss balls. However, she's decided that she would like to try her hand at a legit planted tank.

I have a couple of aquascaped tanks and feel comfortable with the challenges they pose. I'm prepared to set her up with decent LEDs, substrate, liquid fertilizer and/or root tabs, and a CO2 system.

The beginning of a project is always exciting and I was wondering if anyone had any interesting design or plant selection suggestions. I already have some extra java moss that I can transfer from an established tank but I don't necessarily need to use it. We're thinking low-moderate light (adjustable) with good cover for the betta.
Have you decided on which landscape to choose from ? Are you planning for a High Tec tank ?
Have you decided on which landscape to choose from ? Are you planning for a High Tec tank ?
I have and am almost finished soaking a nice piece of manzanita driftwood that I'm going to invert in the tank like tree roots. I'm very pleased because this one doesn't have any nasty points that could harm flowing betta fins. The branch angles are also highly reminiscent of a nageire ikebana arrangement which I appreciate. As for the plants, it would be possible to maintain my selection (including the Anubias nana you suggested) without a CO2 system, but I imagine they'll benefit anyway. I considered the iwagumi style but I feel like my current plan provides the betta with more options for hiding and will allow access to more vertical space without detracting too much from swimming area. Thank you so much!

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