new aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
NS, Canada
I have had my 3 danios, 5 neon tetras, 2 white cloud mountain minnows, and a red-tail blackshark in a 10 agllon aquarium :*) . But on saturday, they are all moving to a 50 gallon aquarium, which has a few neon tetras that my mother wants moved into the 10 gallon. How could I perform the switch? one is upstairs and the other is downstairs. any help is apprechiated. Thanks!
I found when moving fish from my 10 gallon to my 55 that using the chinese soup containers was very helpful. I took a scoop of the water from the 10 gallon aquarium and added the fish to it. Then i let the container acclimate for 10 minutes by closing the hood on the container. Then i just poured them in with the 10 gallon water because some of the bacteria from the 10 can be benficial in the 50.
thanks, im moving the fish from the 50 gallon into the 10 and the fish from the 10 into the 50, they are in one big container, and both tanks will be cleaned, wish me luck!
I just added all the fish, and everything looks great, my danios and neons, you can't even see because their in such a big tank, and little sharky is hiding behind the plants on the right. Here are some pictures:



I'm thinking of adding some more fish, what do you think? currently
I would use the old filter from the 10gal and set it up along side the new filter for the new tank so that its good bacteria can be transferred to the new tank filter and prevent it from having to cycle.
I also just added 3 fantail goldfish, they were really expensive, but the shark likes to chase them around, they make him happy. The shark now is happy and lives in a little forest I made him, and everyone is doing great!

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