new Aquarium


New Member
Aug 10, 2004
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North East of England
I am new to this forum, please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section.

I have kept a few tropicals in a 30 inch tank for about 5 years now.
I have had losses, but nothing which has worried me, and some of the original fish have survived.
As a result of some alterations in the house, I have bought a new aquarium, slightly bigger, (Rio 125), with all of the Juwel hardware, so the fish will eventually move from the spare room to the sitting room.

I am stuck with probably the simplest task, that of fixing the background to the tank. If I remember correctly, I used soap liquid to fix the background to the old tank, but this has not worked with the new tank. Can someone advise me on how to fix the background?

I also intend to transfer water, some stones and ornaments from the older tank to the new tank to aid the cycle, is this good practice?

If you can help me with these, and if you wish to offer any other tips, advice, comments etc, they will be taken onboard.

TIA, Boris

I jsut sellotap[ed my background on to the tank, putting the tape over the black top and bottom of the tank so it didnt show.

Water won't help with the cycle but rock etc will - the bacteria only live on the solid surfaces of the tank. The best way is to get some filter mediafrom the fitler on your old tank and put it into your new filter. Gravel also works. Or you could run the new filter on the old tank for a while, to get it established. Are you cycling with or without fish? :unsure:
You can smear patrolium jelly (vasaline) on the back and then squegee out any airbubbles, this looks great when lit.
but selotape is the most common method
Vegetable cooking oil works as well. Only downside--it smells of stale french fries when you take it off, and makes the tank sticky--comes off easily with a bit of degreaser, and not noticable until you do go to remove.

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