New Aquarium


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
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i am looking into getting a different aquarium a much bigger one than i have. was going to be waiting till some or fall to do it but just came across this. what i would like to know is this a good or not. it is in canadian funds it has me very tempted.
Large Aquarium 5' x 18" x 24", plus filter(new aquaclear110),heater,lighting,gravel/plants etc included. Beautiful tank, all natural looking decor. Must sell asap, willing to let it go for $475obo. contact me It isWorth alot more,but I need it gone!
* My TV just quit Im open to a decent swap

i dont have a tv to swap with them lol
looks a nice tank but there are no details or price available in the link you posted
Looks like a bad deal to me..

Just go to the store. I was at my LFS today and they had 75 gallon tanks for $120. Wood stands were about $200 but they give you 25% off the stands when you buy a tank. Pick up a good canister filter for $150 and you have new stuff, better stuff and money leftover for a heater and all the other crap.

Those prices were all US, but the difference between US and Canadian dollars is pretty small these days.
that is the tough part for me jim the local lfs store is 2.5hrs if i head west which is the better selection of stores. or 1.5hrs east depends on which direction i would like to head.
Your talking to a guy that drove from Buffalo to Cleveland for a hamburger. 2 hours is nothin! Get your friends in the car and head into the city for some good times and a new fish tank! Order everything else off the internet and you can really save some Loonies or Toonies or whatever that weird money I throw away is called. :lol:

Does anyone else think Doresy looks like Charlie Sheen?


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