New Aqua Scaping Ideas Wanted :)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2008
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Well im thinking of going bk to sand substrate because it seems to brighten up the tank and i think it just looks amazing in general lol

So id just like people to add pictures of there sandy aquariums hehe im going to be having pebbles in the tank too with the plants i have already got, which are amazon sword and Vallisneria spiralis and some java moss. il be very gratful of your help
I changed from black gravel to sand about 6 weeks ago, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not, the water clarity just isn't as good as it was with the gravel. I don't think I can have washed the sand enough. And sadly I lost 4 of my 7 cory's due to ongoing nitrite spike, which I've only just sorted out with lots of water changes.

Pics before and after


I changed from black gravel to sand about 6 weeks ago, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not, the water clarity just isn't as good as it was with the gravel. I don't think I can have washed the sand enough. And sadly I lost 4 of my 7 cory's due to ongoing nitrite spike, which I've only just sorted out with lots of water changes.

Pics before and after

View attachment 55798

View attachment 55797

I like it better black :blush: I love dark substrate i think it looks alot better.
very nice tank! but i do prefere it with sand, really bright too. Thanks for the replys

Keep them coming people.

:drool: how do yous come up with the great plans for your tanks.?

i could never make something that nice
I always look through the AGA entries before starting a new scape, so inspiring. I tend to do a sketch too, and try to come up with a planting plan before beginning
wow all those are stunning im never gna have anything like tht haha

Thank you,got lots of things to look at now

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