New Angel Just Sits In The Top-rear Corner


New Member
May 27, 2009
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Yesterday I got my new angelfish and some celestial pearl danios which I had purchased online. They've been in the tank for about 20 hours now. The danios were very pale and lacking any color when I put them in the tank, but by now they've livened up really well and colors are back, eating regular.

However my angel just sits in the top-rear of the tank next to the filter. It won't eat any think I feed it including flakes, sinking granules, or frozen brine shrimp. It has me worried because I thought angels spend a lot of time cruising the tank.

Any thoughts are appreciated.
How long did you acclimatise him for? Is this a newly set up tank, if so, what are your water stats, ammonia, nitrIte etc.
acclimation was about an hour and a half. My stats are 0, 0, 5 with a ph of 7 temperature is 77F
Up the temp to around 80, may liven him up a bit. Other than that, all I can say is, keep the lights out to lessen the stress and in time he should come out a bit, I imagine after all he has been thru he will be shy and timid for a while.
Thanks, I thought it just might be stress from the move, but I wanted to be on the safe side
Some are just shy and take up to a week to feel comfortable and start eating. Just keep an eye for any symptoms of illness. Good luck.

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