New And Need Help With Puffer Rescue (walmart Fish Cruelty)


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Hi um I am very new (just joined a few minutes ago) but I need some help and suggestions on this very sad rescue: Okay so yesterday I went shopping at walmart. I needed cat food so I went over to the pet section and what I saw was so disgusting and unbelievable that I don't even know where to start. Well clearly, walmart employees have no experience or training in caring for fish. There were young green spotted puffer fish in with cichlids. Yes, cichlids. It was horrible. Disgusting. The pufferfish were so torn up, that one had the back of it's spine showing out where it's tail would be. The cichlids had totally devoured it's tail there was nothing left just the bone. And I said to the man "Well your puffers look really sick. Why in heck do you have them in with cichlids? This one has it's tail mssing!" and the guy just shrugs and says "Well you know, they pick at eachother." I really got mad and so I did a test to see if he knew anything about fish or cichlids. So I went up to a tank full of yellow labs and Jack Dempseys. I asked him if he knew what kind of cichlids they were and he goes, "Well, their just cichlids. Um I don't know their just cichlids." Their bettas were in tiny cups with an inch of water. The goldfsh were way overstocked, anhd they had plecos way too big for their tanks. If I had enough tanks I would have taken all the fish there. My biggest concern was the puffers. Most of them were chewed up and had ich. They were all staring at me through the glass, asking to be rescued from that horrid place. The puffers were in really bad shape. I just needed a large saltwater tank and I would have taken them all. I am only twelve years old, but I most likely know the same amount of information about fish as any other person on here, so don't treat me like I don't know anything. I have saved atleast $700 from dog walking. But my mom won't let me spend more than a hundred. I need someplace that sells VERY CHEAP saltwater tanks. Walmart does but I don't know, They don't seem very high quality. If anyone has unwanted tanks that can be used for brackish-saltwater tanks. Please let me know. I have to save these puffers! They are getting eaten alive by cichlids! Please help! :(
This is a very difficult one to answer.

For one thing, rescuing this puffer would encourage the shop to order more. Retail works this way. When a shop sells something, it's viewed as profitable, and re-ordered. If you want to stop a shop selling something, you mustn't buy from them. So while it seems cruel, and is to this one fish, leaving it to die, unsold, is the best thing you could do. Or at least, the lesser of two evils.

If this shop is as bad as it seems, you can ask to speak with a manager to complain. Tell the manager you intend to write a letter to the regional headquarters as well as your local government (e.g., city council) to voice your concern that this store has a license to sell animals. The manager will know you are serious if you state these things, and you absolutely must write the letters afterwards.

All this said, I think it's fair to say Walmart is a pretty thick-skinned company that doesn't care all that much about disgruntled customers. I will make this observation: if they treat fish this badly, and you know about fish so can spot the signs, how do you think they treat their employees? Or the farmers from which they buy produce? Or the labour in factories that produce cheap TV sets and the like? If a store makes you angry, the way to make a difference is to not shop there any more.

Buying the puffer actually wouldn't fix anything, though I sympathise 100% with your motives. For what it's worth, you don't need a saltwater tank, and a 30+ gallon aquarium maintained at SG 1.005 upwards at 25 degrees C would be ample for a singleton. People keep them in saltwater tanks for a variety of reasons, but strictly speaking, it isn't essential.

Cheers, Neale
Awww bless you hun for caring so much!!!!!

I can't be of much help as I'm in the UK, but surely you have animal protection services that you can phone up and report them to? If they're as bad as you say then hopefully they will do something about these poor fish!
Unfortunately if you go in and buy them, they are just going to get more need to report them!!!
Or do what I do, lurk around in these disgusting shops and tell people not to buy from them :good: [Mind you I did get banned from a phone shop for that!!!!]

Good luck.....and let us know how you get on.

Lisa x
Awww bless you hun for caring so much!!!!!

I can't be of much help as I'm in the UK, but surely you have animal protection services that you can phone up and report them to? If they're as bad as you say then hopefully they will do something about these poor fish!
Unfortunately if you go in and buy them, they are just going to get more need to report them!!!
Or do what I do, lurk around in these disgusting shops and tell people not to buy from them :good: [Mind you I did get banned from a phone shop for that!!!!]

Good luck.....and let us know how you get on.

Lisa x
Yes I did consider that but.... they are so cute...... =( They are probably all dead now anyway. :'( I wish Walmart would just stop selling fish period. I don't know how to write a letter to walmart or anything like that... I mean I probably can't do anything about shutting down the walmart fish sales... They also had like 12 blood parrots in a ten inch long tank and they were all swimming on their side trying to get air. Walmart is a scary place for fish lol. Gah....poor...cute...widdle....puffers =( And I know those puffers can actually be pretty agressive. I saw a video on youtube of a puffer catching a guppy and biting it in half. They are still cute though =) So I guess I souldn't take the fish then :sad: darned walmart ppl.
As nmonks said, report them to any local authority, such as the council, it is the only way I have heard of anyone prosecuting a shop for cruelty, and that was on a reptile forum.
Hopefully you will have a result, as anyone can tell a fish with its tail missing is bad.
I would try and take photos of the next new batch they get in (if they get them) and take pictures of how they deteriorate.
I would write a draft letter explaining to the council about it and get your parents to change anything they think needed, and get them to send it off.
Or talk to someone in your council and explain to them the situation.
Awww bless you hun for caring so much!!!!!

I can't be of much help as I'm in the UK, but surely you have animal protection services that you can phone up and report them to? If they're as bad as you say then hopefully they will do something about these poor fish!
Unfortunately if you go in and buy them, they are just going to get more need to report them!!!
Or do what I do, lurk around in these disgusting shops and tell people not to buy from them :good: [Mind you I did get banned from a phone shop for that!!!!]

Good luck.....and let us know how you get on.

Lisa x
Yes I did consider that but.... they are so cute...... =( They are probably all dead now anyway. :'( I wish Walmart would just stop selling fish period. I don't know how to write a letter to walmart or anything like that... I mean I probably can't do anything about shutting down the walmart fish sales... They also had like 12 blood parrots in a ten inch long tank and they were all swimming on their side trying to get air. Walmart is a scary place for fish lol. Gah....poor...cute...widdle....puffers =( And I know those puffers can actually be pretty agressive. I saw a video on youtube of a puffer catching a guppy and biting it in half. They are still cute though =) So I guess I souldn't take the fish then :sad: darned walmart ppl.

Hi Jade, I'm pretty busy today [got a ten hour shift at work :blink: ], but I'll try and draft a letter for you sometime tonight and post it on here then you can just copy and paste it into a word doc.....and send it!!!

Lisa x
When you write your letter, keep it short and simple. I'd suggest something along these lines:

Dear Sir or Madam:
On a recent visit to the Walmart store at XXXX, I was disappointed to see that the tropical fish on sale were not being maintained at an adequate standard. In particular, brackish water pufferfish were being kept with freshwater cichlids, and the latter were attacking the pufferfish, destroying their fins and making them more vulnerable to secondary infections. Besides the obvious animal welfare issue, this puts across an impression that Walmart staff know nothing about their livestock and have no interest in ensuring the health of the animals in their care.
I shall be writing to the XXXX city council asking the pet store licensing department to investigate this matter and take whatever actions they deem necessary. In the meantime, I would welcome your assurances that this was a one-off incident and will not be happening again. I would be pleased to meet with you or the store manager to discuss this issue in person, at a time that is mutually convenient.
Sincerely yours, NNNN

Cheers, Neale
YOu are a sweetie for wanting to save them Jade, but pointers mentioned above are best. Try to walk away and write as suggested above and please keep us updated :)
When you write your letter, keep it short and simple. I'd suggest something along these lines:

Dear Sir or Madam:
On a recent visit to the Walmart store at XXXX, I was disappointed to see that the tropical fish on sale were not being maintained at an adequate standard. In particular, brackish water pufferfish were being kept with freshwater cichlids, and the latter were attacking the pufferfish, destroying their fins and making them more vulnerable to secondary infections. Besides the obvious animal welfare issue, this puts across an impression that Walmart staff know nothing about their livestock and have no interest in ensuring the health of the animals in their care.
I shall be writing to the XXXX city council asking the pet store licensing department to investigate this matter and take whatever actions they deem necessary. In the meantime, I would welcome your assurances that this was a one-off incident and will not be happening again. I would be pleased to meet with you or the store manager to discuss this issue in person, at a time that is mutually convenient.
Sincerely yours, NNNN

Cheers, Neale
Could I use that? I don't think I could come up with anything better lol. You people are all so nice =) I went on a similar website anhd people were like "No, you're too young, you can't afford to take care of cichlids! You are not experienced enough to do that! or I think you're a bit too young to handle a 15 gallon tank" Gah I don't remember the name of the site and I deleted all the regestration emails and what not. Never want to go back there lol =D
When you write your letter, keep it short and simple. I'd suggest something along these lines:

Dear Sir or Madam:
On a recent visit to the Walmart store at XXXX, I was disappointed to see that the tropical fish on sale were not being maintained at an adequate standard. In particular, brackish water pufferfish were being kept with freshwater cichlids, and the latter were attacking the pufferfish, destroying their fins and making them more vulnerable to secondary infections. Besides the obvious animal welfare issue, this puts across an impression that Walmart staff know nothing about their livestock and have no interest in ensuring the health of the animals in their care.
I shall be writing to the XXXX city council asking the pet store licensing department to investigate this matter and take whatever actions they deem necessary. In the meantime, I would welcome your assurances that this was a one-off incident and will not be happening again. I would be pleased to meet with you or the store manager to discuss this issue in person, at a time that is mutually convenient.
Sincerely yours, NNNN

Cheers, Neale

Well done Neale.....beat me to it....was sooooo tired when I got in from work last night :blink:

There you go Jade, what Neale has written is perfect, then just send something along the same lines to animal protection. Make sure you put a contact address or phone on it.....and right at the end [if you type it out and print it off.....put: Yours sincerely

[Your signature]

cc: Animal Services [or whoever you intend to send a letter to]

Doing this lets then know that you have indeed made copies of the letter and going to send to 'Whom it may concern'

Send it to anyone you think will listen!!!!

Lisa x
When you write your letter, keep it short and simple. I'd suggest something along these lines:

Dear Sir or Madam:
On a recent visit to the Walmart store at XXXX, I was disappointed to see that the tropical fish on sale were not being maintained at an adequate standard. In particular, brackish water pufferfish were being kept with freshwater cichlids, and the latter were attacking the pufferfish, destroying their fins and making them more vulnerable to secondary infections. Besides the obvious animal welfare issue, this puts across an impression that Walmart staff know nothing about their livestock and have no interest in ensuring the health of the animals in their care.
I shall be writing to the XXXX city council asking the pet store licensing department to investigate this matter and take whatever actions they deem necessary. In the meantime, I would welcome your assurances that this was a one-off incident and will not be happening again. I would be pleased to meet with you or the store manager to discuss this issue in person, at a time that is mutually convenient.
Sincerely yours, NNNN

Cheers, Neale

Well done Neale.....beat me to it....was sooooo tired when I got in from work last night :blink:

There you go Jade, what Neale has written is perfect, then just send something along the same lines to animal protection. Make sure you put a contact address or phone on it.....and right at the end [if you type it out and print it off.....put: Yours sincerely

[Your signature]

cc: Animal Services [or whoever you intend to send a letter to]

Doing this lets then know that you have indeed made copies of the letter and going to send to 'Whom it may concern'

Send it to anyone you think will listen!!!!

Lisa x
Oh my gosh guess what people?? I went back to wal-mart today, and the cichlids and puffers were separated!! The same man was there, and he knew a lot more about fish! He was helping all of the customers with their size tankis and everything. And, he remembered me! Lol! Oh and I was really impressed because they purchased new containers for the bettas! They are much more spacious, atleast 4-5 inches tall and like 6" all around. The water was clean and I only saw one dead fish! (Aside from the feeder goldfish, where most of them are dead, anywhere i go.) They had peacock cichlids, too. They waz pretty :drool: So the wal-mart near me has really improved! I guess I challenged him with my questions :hey:
Maybe others have been writing letters and letting them know. 4 local walmarts in this are are no longer selling fish. The tanks are bare, some torn out, in fact the new walmart that opened last month had no tanks at all. Looking around, there was no place to put them either. A year ago when we started this hobby and were learning the do's and don'ts, we would ask the people working in the pet section questions, they had no answers and didn't care to get any info either. When it comes to live animals, no matter the animal, if you aren't going to have experienced and knowledgeable staff, you should not be able to sell them. Shouldn't you need a license or something like that.

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