new albino sharks in my tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
got a couple of albino red tailed sharks today from my LFS.
they're currently in their bag adjusting to the tank temperature.
looking for advice, anecdotes, anything I should know since I've never taken care of these sweeties before. :)
Make sure your tank has a secure lid, and no holes from which they can jump out off... They appreciate a planted tank, and driftwood for decor... Also, they require a cave to feel secure or a similiar hiding place. They're territorial so don't mix them with other RTBS's or other fish that have a similiar body shape, as your RTBS will get aggresive... Just read that you bought a couple, what size is the tank? Research before you buy fish, not after and. You don't want to find out later that you can't take care of it properly, and have to return it, do you?

edit - OK, can see you've just got a 10 gallon. These fish require a 30 gallon each, and since they don't mix very well with each other, this means you can't keep more than 1 unless your tank is bigger... You better start thinking of something to do with your RTBS now...
Yeah sorry, tank is way too small and 2 together is very risky unless you have a very large tank. :/
I cannot even begin to tell you how annoyed with myself I am.
Usually I do extensive research before considering a fish.
This time I liked them when I saw them in my LFS and got them.
Forgot to ask about minimum tank size.
Wow I'm dumb.
So angry with myself...
Will get a bigger tank or find a suitable home for them.
For the time being, my tank is well planted and has a cover...
Too ashamed to put any posts in this forum for a while...
:angry: :X :<
JacopoFishy said:
I cannot even begin to tell you how annoyed with myself I am.
Usually I do extensive research before considering a fish.
This time I liked them when I saw them in my LFS and got them.
Forgot to ask about minimum tank size.
Wow I'm dumb.
So angry with myself...
Will get a bigger tank or find a suitable home for them.
For the time being, my tank is well planted and has a cover...
Too ashamed to put any posts in this forum for a while...
:angry: :X :<
Couldn't be any worse than me introducing a Tiger shovelnose into a community tank. Don't worry bro, we all make mistakes.

Return one, and buy an angelfish.

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