Fish Fanatic
Thanks Azaezl's great guide http/ i decided to dust off my old 10 gal tank and set up for ADF.
The only concern i have after reading numerous websites is how well will they go with Ghost Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp and Snails.
So basically the setup and stock will be as follow:
All Glass Aquarium 10 Gal
Aqueon 10 HOB Filter
50W heater
Play sand
Silk Plants.
4 African Dwarf Frogs
6 American freshwater glass shrimp (Ghost Shrimp)
2 Crystal Red Shrimp (if they still alive in my main tank)
1 Mystery Snail
I also thinking about adding a single Male Betta.
Any thoughts ?
The only concern i have after reading numerous websites is how well will they go with Ghost Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp and Snails.
So basically the setup and stock will be as follow:
All Glass Aquarium 10 Gal
Aqueon 10 HOB Filter
50W heater
Play sand
Silk Plants.
4 African Dwarf Frogs
6 American freshwater glass shrimp (Ghost Shrimp)
2 Crystal Red Shrimp (if they still alive in my main tank)
1 Mystery Snail
I also thinking about adding a single Male Betta.
Any thoughts ?