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Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2004
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Last night i went and got some more fish for my 55gal. Great fun! Had a blast! I shall have to take some pictures of them! I got...ahem...drum roll please..:
4 Hong Kong Pl*cos(really loaches),5 Albino Cherry Barbs, 4 Rummynose Tetras, and 3 Emerald/Green sided Corys.
Sucked though, before i can even get back to the tank one of the Rummynose is dead and one of the Hong Kong Loaches is dead. I think the Rummy died because the LFS person put his breath into the bag instead of air, and the Loach i think was dead before i bought it...i just didn't realize. So on that part. The others are doing gr8t though! Loving the Cories...thinking of getting more.
Well crap...they didn't tell my anything about that....hmmmm...interesting dilema. I've got a dual airpump going with two air strips along the bottom as well as a whisper H.O.T filter....great...just great. So your saving my Hillstream are pretty much screwed? Its just a matter of time. :-(
PereguineFalcon said:
Well crap...they didn't tell my anything about that....hmmmm...interesting dilema. I've got a dual airpump going with two air strips along the bottom as well as a whisper H.O.T filter....great...just great. So your saving my Hillstream are pretty much screwed? Its just a matter of time. :-(
I don't know. I had 2 of mine (the common ones) in the tank when it was tropical for a couple of months but it was only at 75F because of them and since the tank has gone coldwater I have noticed they are much more active. What tempature is your tank? There are always exceptions and they may be able to survive but just not as well or for as long...

My Tank right now is between 76 and 78. when the lights are on its more towards 78-79..when they are off its more towards 76-77. I'm hoping they will make it...i hate it when fish die. I feel so guilty and like a bad person. Should i just try to return them?
uhhhm, this is a bit off topic, but...if you're shopping in a store and you can't tell whether the fish they stock are dead or need to find a new lfs :blink:
No, lol...when i looked in the tank most of the ones i saw were alive. I didn't stand there and tell him which ones to pick out for me...i just told him to get me 4 of them. Probably not gonna do that again, so he just picked 4. Thats probably how i got a dead one. I didn't really check them when i put them in the bag because i trusted him cuz he is noramlly really good about his fish.
I have also never heard of a lfs blowing air into a bag instead of with an air this common?
PereguineFalcon said:
My Tank right now is between 76 and 78. when the lights are on its more towards 78-79..when they are off its more towards 76-77. I'm hoping they will make it...i hate it when fish die. I feel so guilty and like a bad person. Should i just try to return them?
First things first, repeat after me...


say over and over until you believe it!!

Now then,

That sounds a bit warm for them, is it possible to lower it a bit? I had them at 75F when they were in my tropical tank. I don't know about returning them as they are being sold as tropical fish, you are able to give them a better home because you are aware that the are coldwater. I am sure there's someone else with them on here, I thought it might be wuv...hmmm.

mine dosnt blow into them neither do they use a air hose, they just fasten the bag up so that htye have air in it used to it this way... they last a 40min journey so it cant be all that bad...

as for the dead fish thing... id have rang them about it.. also the loaches tell them its in the fishes interest to have them back because urs is a tropical set up and these were coldwater... explain to them what else u brought along with the loaches and point out to who ever sold them u that they should have guessed what kind of setup u have.
nightlife20 said:
also the loaches tell them its in the fishes interest to have them back because urs is a tropical set up and these were coldwater... explain to them what else u brought along with the loaches and point out to who ever sold them u that they should have guessed what kind of setup u have.
Hey Nightlife,

I think they were sold to PF as tropical, that's why I said they as good with him as with someone else's tropical tank.

Maybe I'm wrong.
My $0.02... you may need to give change! ;)

Put the 3 hillstreams and the 1 goldfish into the 10 gallon and let that be your coldwater tank.

Take the 10 gallon residents and divide them appropriately between the 20 and 55 gallon tanks.

An example:
10 gallon:
1 Goldfish
3 Hillstream Loaches

20 gallon:
1 bicolor mollie
1 Blue Gourami
1 Neon Tetra
1 Beaunos Aires Tetra
1 Harliquen Tetra
4 Serpae Tetras
3 Ottos
1 Khuli Loach

55 gallon(still adding fish so it will change):
4 Congo Tetras
7 Black Skirts
1 Thai Flying Fox
5 Ottos
4 German Blue Rams(on hold in my 20 gal. till i am ready for them)
4 Albino Kribs(also on hold till my tank is ready)

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