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New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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So I was out at one of my local fishy places the other week and spotted a fish that really took my eye. I have never seen one like this before and really struggle to find any information about it.

Here is a pic of the gorgeous fishy...


My new Striped Dora Catfish

My tank needs a bit of work at the moment as he likes to hide all the time, I'm guessing he is nocturnal... so some nice hiding places shall be going in the tank soon

PS: Don't worry... the white spots is dust on the cameras lens
I hope you had a good look at it before you put it into the tank, because that could be the last time you see it :lol: I have a pair of spotted doras in my tank somewhere and i think the last time i actually saw them was when i upgraded the tank 2 years ago :lol:
:lol: that's not a cory ;)

It's a Dora.....
(or is that an oversized cory with some heavy duty armour ?!)

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