After many years of fishkeeping. I got my first oscar. It is a tiger (Almost Solid Black) about 5 inches in length it is in my 90 gallon tank with a 7 inch Syndontis Decorus Catfish and 6 cory cats. I traded in my 6 adult congo tetras for this catfish. The congos were always hiding until feeding time. THe tank often looked empty. I also have a 55 gallon tank with Tiger barbs & Rasboras. Here is my 90 gallon with my Oscar "MAX" .

1) My tank has two xp3 rena filters. Is that enough? I change 15 gallons every two weeks.
2) My LFS said this AWESOME catfish would be perfect with an oscar. Is this true?
3) Will the oscar eat my corys when it grows larger?
4) I was told that silver dollars are good to add to the tank. Is this true ? Will this cause me to overload my filters? I do not want a tank that is too crowded.


1) My tank has two xp3 rena filters. Is that enough? I change 15 gallons every two weeks.
2) My LFS said this AWESOME catfish would be perfect with an oscar. Is this true?
3) Will the oscar eat my corys when it grows larger?
4) I was told that silver dollars are good to add to the tank. Is this true ? Will this cause me to overload my filters? I do not want a tank that is too crowded.