New 90 Gallon Setup & Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
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After many years of fishkeeping. I got my first oscar. It is a tiger (Almost Solid Black) about 5 inches in length it is in my 90 gallon tank with a 7 inch Syndontis Decorus Catfish and 6 cory cats. I traded in my 6 adult congo tetras for this catfish. The congos were always hiding until feeding time. THe tank often looked empty. I also have a 55 gallon tank with Tiger barbs & Rasboras. Here is my 90 gallon with my Oscar "MAX" . 90_g.jpg
Comments ??????

1) My tank has two xp3 rena filters. Is that enough? I change 15 gallons every two weeks.

2) My LFS said this AWESOME catfish would be perfect with an oscar. Is this true?

3) Will the oscar eat my corys when it grows larger?

4) I was told that silver dollars are good to add to the tank. Is this true ? Will this cause me to overload my filters? I do not want a tank that is too crowded.
HI tanks looking okay
im not sure about the filter as long at its doing as least 135gph it should be fine.
Water changes should be roughly 25% weekly.
Im sure that catfish would be fine with the oscar.
i think the coryies would eventually be killed by the oscar need to get someone else's opion on that
Im sure the filter would cope if you dont get too many of them not sure how many you could get.
Are those plastic plants if not well they will get eaten by the silver dollas.
Hope this helps
Hey rleigh,

Nice choice on the oscar. It's cool to see a normal oscar on here for a change. I guess they are all cool looking, it's just that I haven't seen many on the forums like yours. I like the layout of this tank as well.
You might have problems with oscar ripping up those plants down the road. They have a tendency to uproot objects in the tank from time to time.

I think you'll be fine with catfish as far as compatibility is concerned. However, I think that your cories will eventually become lunch for the oscar. They'll try to eat anything that fits in they're mouth - So you might have to rehome in them in the future. If anything, stuff them in your 55.

What's the output on an XP3? like 300gph? IMO, running two of them should be fine.

Can't advise on the silver dollars, though. I've never had them and only seen them in person as juvies.

In time, someone else will come on here and properly answer your questions.

Nice tank!

I know i will need to remove plant latter. THere is no room for cories in 55 at this time. Each xp3 puts out 300+ gph,
I have had "Max" for a month and the catfish "Leo" for a week. See picture. Max eats Beefheart, bloodworms, krill,peas, algae discs & pellets(Sometimes).


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Dunno if anybody else said this already, and sorry if anybody has but the cory catfish probably won't survive in the tank with the Oscar.

Simply put... (s)he'll eat 'em.

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