new 80g tank, cloudy


New Member
Oct 29, 2004
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Hi all, i have a 40g tank running nicely, which i have had for about 2 - 3 years it has a mixture of angels, barbs, tetra, catfish, red tailed shart etc.. about 12 fish. I will want to transfer into new 80g tank.

ive just invested in an 80g tank, and am in the process of setting the tank up.
my new 80gb tank:
Ive added the gravel, and water. got the temperature up to about 76. I done a PH test, and it was out, so i added some proper ph7.0, as per instructions of the side of the pot for a new tank.
Now the water has gone really cloudy.

The tank has been up and running now for about 6 days (no fish in it yet)
it has been cloudy for about 2 days.
Im running the tank on a backup external filter Ehiem, until my new filter arrives.
the filter is designed for 40g tanks not 80g.

is this the reason the water is cloudy?
or is it due to the ph which has been put in?
and should i worry about the cloudyness.

If i remember rightly, in my 40g tank, when i first set that up, it was cloudy for about a day, then cleared.

any comments and help appreciated.
ok, ive just read some newbie no nos... one of them was :

7. Don't touch your pH. You don't know what you're doing and it's a very hairy process in the hands of an expert, let alone a beginner. The chemistry is extremly complex and pH modifying products usually fill your tank full of algae-enhancing phosphates. Fish rarely die from an inappropriate pH - that's usually an excuse because LFS employees don't understand about cycling (check out my sig if you haven't done so already).

is this my problem?
someone else posted about their water goign cloudy after using ph reducer, im not quite sure why it happens though.

The only way to get great quality water at a low ph is to buy RO water from the shop or buy yourself a unit, otherwise like that info says leave it well alone, once you start lookign in teh chemistry it really is a can of worms, its not just PH, there is GH KH TDS etc, all these need to be in a balance

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