New 750 Lite Tank Setup


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
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Hi, I have just ordered a new tank to house my reticula ray for when it gets bigger. My current tank is a fluval 350 litre with the fiter and everthing else built in to the cabinet.
The new tank i have ordered is a custom 750 litre tank 6' x 30" x 30" and has a weir plus 40mm inlet/outlets, my question is what do i need to set this up? someone mentioned a sump but i'm not familiar with this i am guessing its similar to a car sump? i have seen the pictures of tanks with another tank built in beneath the cabinets and i presume that the filter/pump will fit into this and then pump the water through the weir and into the tank, is this correct?
Could anyone recommend what hardware i will need for this size tank and also where to but it all from online. :good:
basically it works by the water overflowing the weir, going into the sump, then the pump in the sump pumps it back into the tank, and the cycle continues, i dont really know a lot about sumps as thats not my bag, but im sure someone else will help you out.
a sump is basically another thank beneath the display tank which acts as a giant filter that you can completely customise with whatever media/accessories you want, and also hide all electrical equipment in
the sump is gravity fed by water overflowing the the wier and down into the sump, and is the pumped back into the main display tank via a return pump

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