New 6'x2'x2'


New Member
Oct 29, 2005
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I am in the process of setting up a new home for my black ghost knife (the lfs lied to me when they said a 2 foot tank was big enough) and would like some advice about what to keep with him.

Are there any rays small enough for a 6' tank and will they fight with the bgk?

I've read conflicting advice on keeping two bgk's together, can I do this or can't I? Can I keep another kind of knife such as a glass knife, brown knife or elephant nose?

Other fish I'm interested in are arowanas, gudgeons, discus (hard to keep, I know) and bichirs. Will any of these cause problems or are they fine with a bgk?

I also want to keep some other non oddball fish like pictus cats, dwarf guaramis, siamese flying fox and other small to mid range fish. What kinds won't get eaten/harass my oddballs?

can I get some type of gar or are they all too aggressive/big/brackish/other complication?
Keeping multiple bgks (like rays) depends on the size of the tank.

There are plenty of rays that can be kept in a 6 foot tank, though it should be 2.5 feet from front to back to give the rays room to move.

I have had no troubles keeping my 2 bgks in my 6x2x2.

With regards to tankmates, bgks will get along with anything they can't eat and is not too agressive. the general rule is make sure the fish they are with are over 3" (as they can reach well past a foot).

I believe others have kept them with aros, not too sure on if they make lifelong friends (though I see no reason why not). Most true gars get too large for normal home aquaria.
I used to keep my BGK with a Black African Knife and the BGK got killed, so I wouldn't recommend keeping different speceis. Also it is to my knowlage that BGK and Arowanas can be kept together, I am certainly going to. I also kept my BGK with Discus fish before it got killed and they were perfectly happy with each other, and in fact I kept him with birchirs and they were also fine with each other.

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