New 5ft Tank


Jul 14, 2007
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Basingstoke, Hants. UK
Well i got my bigger tank. its not 6ft like i wanted but i think the 5 is big enough its also a tall 5 so it works well

will need some fish soon and i need to slowly recycle my sand as its not clean and keeps making the water REALLY cloudy. Other from that its great. I have a few bits of bog soaking in the bath yet to go in and once the plants grow it will be better.



Looks great. But I would personally put something at the back left just to balance it out.
Will look fantastic with fish.
Looks great. But I would personally put something at the back left just to balance it out.
Will look fantastic with fish.

Im soaking 2 bits large bits of bogwood that will fit in that corner Next i need to learn to take cuttings so i can split my amazon sword and maybe buy a few more plants.
Nice tank

So whats ur plan for stocking?

Not fully sure. the fish in there are from my old tank. im wanting another bala or two to make the shoal up.

was thinking of khuli's but im looking at moving in a yearish and not fancy catching them!!!

i want another RTBS as my first one was a recluse and i came back from hols to her dead. (was such a wet blanket she didn't last it was a shame)

im tempted with rope fish or there is a fish thats name escapes me. but has a neon like strip that splits across its tail and are similar to bala in size when grown.

As to that im not too sure im tempted to swap out a gibb with another plec but might wait on that. im gonna stock slow starting with the extra balas.

Tempted with a shoal of neons or similar.

any thoughts are welcome.
im tempted with rope fish or there is a fish thats name escapes me. but has a neon like strip that splits across its tail and are similar to bala in size when grown.

Red-Lined torpedo barb - Puntius denisonii. Nice tank, would be lovely with a shoal of them in, expensive though...
im tempted with rope fish or there is a fish thats name escapes me. but has a neon like strip that splits across its tail and are similar to bala in size when grown.

Red-Lined torpedo barb - Puntius denisonii. Nice tank, would be lovely with a shoal of them in, expensive though...

Thats the ones!!! Thanks...

i want 2-3 of them if possible. there lovely and very playfull from what i have seen from my bro's tank. i hear there easily suceptable to mouth fungus.

Looks great!
Can't wait to see more pictures of it!

Well it looks like the bogwood is running reasonably clear after a day soaking. so im gonna give it a few more days of hot soaking and in they go.

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