New 55g Setup


New Member
Jan 5, 2008
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Getting my 55 Gallon setup now, the live rock arrived last Friday, ordered 50 pounds from Live Rock USA on Ebay and another 25 pounds of fiji rock, also off ebay from mrmarine. Both arrived the same day and I got in cleaned up and in the tank that evening. Couple of pictures below, over all I was very happy with the live rock. The rock from Live Rock USA is absolutely awesome, just COVERED in all kinds of live. The fiji live rock was good too, easily better than the rock at my LFS but it paled in comparison to Live Rock USA rock.


Over all picture of the tank, I think I'll tank the bio bale out of the protein skimmer once the live rock has cured, but not 100% sure on that.


Close up of some of the rock with some of the rubble that I'll use in the HOB refugium that I will set up later.


Picture is a bit blurry but this is some type of coral that came with the live rock, this is a piece that broke off of the main part during shipping. It split about in half, the other half in near the bottom of the tank, the rock it was on was the biggest piece I got and had to go on the bottom of the pile. No idea what this is though so if someone can identify it that would be cool.


I think the orange stuff is sponge, but again this is my first salt water tank so not entirely sure. Confirmation would be good.

I'll post more pictures as the tank comes together a bit, next step is to add the substrate once the live rock finishes curing.


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Looking good, will follow your progress with interest, as I am 10 days into curing my LR, will be good to see how you get on, just watch out for the smell :sick:
Well three weeks in and it looks like the live rock is cured. I've been testing all week and the entire time Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10-20, Phos 0, Calcium 360, 11 dkH, and PH of 9.2. (I think, the API test for high PH is tough to read imo) So I put in the substrate a couple of days ago along with a bunch of sea shells I collected at the beach and then boiled when I got home last weekend. Pictures below.

Full tank with my PC lighting on it now, 4 65W PC lights, 2 12k's and 2 Actinic Blue. I have a bunch of live rubble in the net at the top waiting for my HOB Aquafuge refugium that should be arriving next week. I also have the chiller for the tank and two more Koralia nano powerheads. The tank will be a seahorse tank so I need to get the temperature of it back down to the 72-74 range, it's up at 78-79 with all of the equipment. I'm also thinking of getting a few more small pieces of live rock to create an overhang in the tank for some shade for the seahorses.

Right side of the tank.

Center of the tank.

Left side of the tank.

And I'm still trying to figure out what the heck this coral thing is. Anyone able to ID it?
It's exciting isn't it when you are just starting out :good:

Seffie x


sorry, can't identify the coral from the photo

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