New 55 gal

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2002
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Heres my newest tank. Its not fully decorated yet. I need to get some more plants and I have a peice of driftwood on its way through the mail. I also need to put a background in. You can see my Pacu in the right corner. Hes freaking out again, as usual :rolleyes: He should get used to in in a couple of weeks.

I love that Sword plant, its HUGE! Look at the size of it compared to the one on the right side. I also got those rocks from the Arbuckle Mountains in southern Oklahoma. Do you think that the Cichlids that I will eventually get are going to mess with the plants even though theyre potted?


  • fish7.jpg
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Heres another of all 3 tanks. The 5 gallon looks really brown in this picture but I think its just the lighting. Excuse the slightly cluttered room, im a bad housekeeper. (Hey gimme a break, im only 17 :hyper: )
Whoops...attaching the pic might help B) :lol:


  • tanks.jpg
    42.4 KB · Views: 85
cool tank ! am i missing something where the pic of all 3 tanks gone! we had tank nappers in. :lol: :lol:

cant wait to see more :thumbs: :thumbs:
the pics just above you doh :hyper:

very nice looking as well i might add. :thumbs:
Great tanks, nice christmas decorations from the ceiling too :D
Ummmmmmmmmm hate to say this but,,,,
I saw three so I think you two are just loosing it in your younger years. Wait, I ment older years. LOLOLOL
nah, u were rite the first time, younger years ;) :p :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cool as tanks!!! Just wondering what are the measurements of the 55gallon in inchs areply would be great!!!
By the way great tanks :D :D :D :) :blink: :D :D
Its 48" long X 21 inches high X 13 inches deep. I have a spot for another one under neath on that stand, so Im probably going to get another later on and ditch the 29 gallon.

And thanks for the compliments. You think its nice now? Just wait until I get my 60 new plants in the mail next week :fun: B)
Nice looking tanks. Be sure to put the post of it when u add the plants you ordered.

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