New 55 gal. aquarium


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
Just wanted to tell someone. But I got a 55 gal. tank and finally was able to add some fish into it. I put in 4 dwarf fire gouromis and 4 bala sharks. Although the sharks make my tank active i want something with a little more color and spunk. I was thinking or red tail sharks, even though I would have to watch them I like them a lot.

What do you think?
How long has it been running. Has it been cycled yet. What are your water parameters. and do you have anything other than those 8 fish in there?

Technically speaking with the balas you've got the potential for 40" of fish just with them.
It has been cycled, and my parameters are amm-o Itrates-0 Irates-20

although you are right about the 40" thing, i know i can sure accomadate more how i have it set up.
kgrehm said:
It has been cycled, and my parameters are amm-o Itrates-0 Irates-20

although you are right about the 40" thing, i know i can sure accomadate more how i have it set up.
Just curious what method you used to cycle it?

well you've got about another 10 inches to work with. Perhaps more depending on what your filtration setup is and how much maintenance you're willing to put into water changes and such.

What sort of fish are you looking for. you say color but color could be some yellow and blue gouramis or a shoal of lemon tetra's or a wide variety of fish.
I at first was using a fishless cycle and then when it was coming appearant that it was almost done I added my gouramis, then added the balas. All seems to be healthy and parameters are stable.

I guess what i want to know is good coloring for the fish that I already have in there and wont bite each others heads off. I want to stay away from tetras because I have had them all before and want to try something a bit more different.
kgrehm said:
I at first was using a fishless cycle and then when it was coming appearant that it was almost done I added my gouramis, then added the balas. All seems to be healthy and parameters are stable.

I guess what i want to know is good coloring for the fish that I already have in there and wont bite each others heads off. I want to stay away from tetras because I have had them all before and want to try something a bit more different.
Could add some rainbows to the tank. they're rather different then tetras. My choice would be more gouramis. I also thin clown loaches are attractive but they get large. Some various cories can add some color though not really bright but also are very active.

You say you've had tetra's before but there really is a huge variety of them to choose from.

Another option would be platies or mollies. They're very colorful. I used to have a swordtail that was the most awesome shade of red.

There really are quite a few options open to you.
Right now I have mollies and swordtails in another tank as posted in my sig.
But can i ever put them in with my gouramis and bala's?

Because i want to make that tank a quarintine(?) tank or to help aid in my plant growth. Is that ok?

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