New 500Ltr Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2011
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peteborough, cambs, uk

i have just order a 500ltr tank yesterday :)

looking at stocking already i have made a list of fish i am thinking about i understand that mbuna and haps & AULONOCARA dont go together but i have never seen a problem
my other tank is fine ever one gets on great I just love malawi

heres the list

Protomelas taeniolatus

Otopharynx lithobates

Protomelas Steveni 'Taiwan Reef'

Champsochromis caeruleus

Yellow labs

Aulonocara malauna

Aulonocara Orange

Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka

Cynotilapia afra Cobue

Metriaclima aurora Mozambique

PseudoPseudotropheus demasoni

tropheus Ndumbi

so what do you guys think ? and what numbers do you think i should get ?

any help would be great :)

i have just order a 500ltr tank yesterday :)

looking at stocking already i have made a list of fish i am thinking about i understand that mbuna and haps & AULONOCARA dont go together but i have never seen a problem
my other tank is fine ever one gets on great I just love malawi

heres the list

Protomelas taeniolatus

Otopharynx lithobates

Protomelas Steveni 'Taiwan Reef'

Champsochromis caeruleus

Yellow labs

Aulonocara malauna

Aulonocara Orange

Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka

Cynotilapia afra Cobue

Metriaclima aurora Mozambique

PseudoPseudotropheus demasoni

tropheus Ndumbi

so what do you guys think ? and what numbers do you think i should get ?

any help would be great :)

Nice size tank :good: as you probably know I don't like mixing the 2 but you say yours are getting along fine so if your happy with them, then go for it :).. As for numbers, you planning on doing an male 'show tank' or a mixed breeding setup?? Reason i say this is because i can guarantee that you will have some hybrids down the line if you keep some of these together and plan on doing a breeding setup. For instance keeping the 3 species of Aulonocara will no doubt lead to hybridization, the female's are just so very similar. The list is quite a mix and match bunch of fish really so If I where you and was going to mix I'd do it like this (This is just my opinion doesn't mean you have to do it ;))

Protomelas taeniolatus: Just have 1 Male

Otopharynx lithobates Same with this 1 Male

Protomelas Steveni 'Taiwan Reef'1 male

Champsochromis caeruleus One of the predatory type fish of Malawi would say this is a no no if your wanting to keep mbuna as well.

Yellow labsLarge Group of males and female's. Ratio's of 2 to 3 M and 8 to 12 F

Aulonocara malauna 1 Male

Aulonocara Orange1 Male

Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka 1 Male

Cynotilapia afra CobueBreeding group 1 to 2 M and 6 to 8 F

Metriaclima aurora Mozambique1 Male 4 to 6 F

PseudoPseudotropheus demasoni Wouldn't have these with the fish above, extremely aggressive, need to be kept as a single fish or a big group even then can still cause endless issues

tropheus Ndumbi Is this from lake tanganyika??
so maybe going shopping by photo web site is maybe not the best :) still got loads to lean !!!

I am finding it hard to work out Malawis i have been keeping fish for 4 years now know tropical community tanks and know them back to front

so am going to put it out there could you guys / girls help me out with a list i am planning on doing an male 500lrt show tank so any help would be great the only think is i can only buy from as they ofter posted :)

or kevs shed is great he is very close to me so can go and pick up there

As the shops round here don't stock very many malawis at all
Just looking for a show tank lots of color.

The wife looked at to many videos on youtube and now wants a malawi tank just like them in the living room lol,

I was thinking hap not very colored i have some in my 370ltr and there not very color at all.

Just over the moon i can get a new tank , can not wait to get it should only be a week till it gets here :good:

got me black sand today and more rocks :)

and got one of MD vs of what looks like a copy of a x5 mmmm
Well mate if your looking for a good amount of colour haps/peacocks do offer a wide and very nice colour variation. If you want to get some breeding going on in your tank as well don't forget to find females which don't look similar to one another(which can be quite difficult) See I don't have as much knowledge with haps/peacocks as I haven't kept an all male show tank myself, im just going by what i've read and when ive spoken to others with Haps/peacock setup's.

I'd definitely stick with these though all beautiful fish:

Protomelas Steveni 'Taiwan Reef'
Otopharynx lithobates Zimbawe
Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka
Placidochromis electra-Nice species

Trying to think of some others which will go well/work well and offer a great amount of colour.
this is my personal experience with both sellers
i have got the better quality fish at a better price from and will always shop with kevins over tonys
your a lucky #29### living close to him!
i keep haps aulonocara and mbuna and kevin does some good fish at great prices! plus he is getting new stock in real soon so contact him if you want something in particular!

one to look at placidochromis phenochelius tanzania MY fav fish nice males and females youtube em!!!
id also look at true aulonocara rather than just manmade eg aulonocara lwanda, maulana, benga,ngara go for one male of each for amazing colour!
i keep afra cobue in with my haps no problems too!

this site is good for defining whats what
yep i am going to Kevin next week he is only 15mins drive from me i have hear a lot of good things about him so far :)

i just got messed about at MD Peterborough seem like they were selling me the Malawi they could not sell as i am now stuck with 8 nimbochromis venustus in my 370ltr he know what tank i had and now i am finding it very hard to move them on

i have talked to Kevin on the phone seem a good guy just don't wont to get messed about :huh:
never been messed about by him always got good fish at a good price!unlike the other chap you looked at! check he is about first as know he is getting fish over the next few weeks at weekends! :good: i travel from maidstone in kent to get fish from him!

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