New 4ft tank


New Member
Dec 8, 2004
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Hello Everyone,
I have kept tropical fish before with limited success, I have pursuaded my girlfriend to let me have them again, I am picking up a 4 ft tank at the weekend and wanted some advice.
It is all the normal questions:-
Previously I have used undergravel filters but wondered if these are best, if not what to use?
When do you normally add fish?
Which fish to add?
Water testing kits - what to look for?
Any tank pictures to give me some ideas?

Thanks for anyone who responds.

SMITHAP there are many things to consider when getting a new tank. Is this going to be a fish only tank or do you plan to have plants?

You will also want to read all the pinned topics in here and in the chit chat.

As for UGF, most will say they are not viable anymore, especially if you are considering a planted tank.

I would recommend a Bio-Wheel filter for a non-planted tank. If you are going planted I would recommend a canister filter, either a Fluval or a Eheim. Eheim you will get a better quality filter, but will pay for it. The fluval is a lower quality less expensive filter but it hagen does offer excellent support.

For testing kits I would recommend the AP Freshwater Master Kit to start with as a full set, then depending on what you are doing with the tank, you can research others.

If you read about cycling in the pinned topics it is usually 3 to 4 weeks or longer down the road on a fishless cycle or immediately with a few on a fish cycle.

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