New 400l tank


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
I'm shortly buying a new Rio 400 tank.

I have 2 pretty big silver dollars and some clown loaches that need a bigger home. What else do you guys think I should put with them?
How about some Bala sharks, I have a Rio 300, What tank do you have at the moment? Because when i brought mine home it was much bigger than i thought it would be and yours is a foot longer than mine!
You should get more Clowns too thats what i did, I had three and when i upgraded i got another three, Good luck.
I have a 1 metre long 40 gallon at the moment. I know the rio 400 looks huge, I went to look at them yesterday. I want something with enough room for a shoal of dollars or sharks.

Don't worry I've done my measurments.
400L has massive potential and i'm sure you could get away with a nice shoal of sharks as well of plenty of other great fish.

How about going for some mixed Cichlids or maybe a selection of catfish?

I've been toying with the idea of putting my discus in there, but I'm also thinking of clearing everything out of my old tank and just leaving the discus.

That way I'll be able to get more new fish. I don't really want to put the discus in the big tank, as I'll only really be able to put other discus in it.

That's the prob I've had with this tank, I should have made it a discus only tank.
Just wanted to say that we recently got the Rio 400 and are currently fishless cycling it. It did look huge when we first got it home (had a 30g in the same place before) but now it has water and plants etc it looks lovely and perfect size for the space as we have quite a large lounge room. Just can't wait to get the fish in there...

...I'll look forward to seeing some pics of yours once it is set up.
Go with the silver dollars, put your two in and then get nine more to make a good size shoal. Then i'd get some medium sized catfish for the bottom, something like 3 Sorubim lima or another good sized Pimeloid like Pimelodus ornatus some armoured cats like Hoplosternum or Agamyxsis to clean up after everyone. Then for a splash of colour a single good sized cichlid like a oscar or green terror (or any other moderately aggressive medium sized south american cichlid) or a group of more peaceful ones like Geophagus/Satanoperca (earth eaters) species. Finish the tank off with a group of Boulengerella or Ctenolucius (pike characins) species to occupy the surface area and maybe a few other larger characins to fill out space and add a bit more colour.
CFC said:
Then for a splash of colour a single good sized cichlid like a oscar or green terror
How about a severum or blue acara, would they be ok in a larger community.

I did want to add some smaller fish to fill a bit of space. Not too small though, maybee some phantom tetras or head and tail lights. Maybee some congo tetras also (I know they get large).
daisycat said:
Just wanted to say that we recently got the Rio 400 and are currently fishless cycling it. It did look huge when we first got it home (had a 30g in the same place before) but now it has water and plants etc it looks lovely and perfect size for the space as we have quite a large lounge room. Just can't wait to get the fish in there...

...I'll look forward to seeing some pics of yours once it is set up.
I will post some pics when it's got fish in it.

It will be a couple of months though, I going on holiday next week and the setting it up when I come home.

Some pics of yours would be nice.

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