New 33g tank! (coming soon)

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
Hi all.

My dad will probably get a 33g tank :D . How bout 4 corys, 4 zebra danios, 6 cardinal tetras and 6 guppies? What do you think? :thumbs: ?Could i add more? I'll probably put in a coupla javas inside too.

Keep me posted!

Phantom Thief said:
Hi all.

My dad will probably get a 33g tank :D . How bout 4 corys, 4 zebra danios, 6 cardinal tetras and 6 guppies? What do you think? :thumbs: ?Could i add more? I'll probably put in a coupla javas inside too.

Keep me posted!

Your list certainly don't look overstocked, although I'm sure your guppies will take care of that pretty quickly... :D

If you don't intend to have more than 6 guppies, I think you can add some more fishes in your tank...

How about some bristlenose pl*cos?
Nah, i dont want an angelfish. And i think the danios will take care of most fry. So will the corys. Heh heh, i'm so evil. But i bet some will survive. Ill take those out and put them somewhere else. Then I'll start using them as birthday presents. HAHAHAHA. Just playing. A bristlenose pleco sounds good. It stays small. But i dunno if i can get one here in Malaysia. Oh yeah, my lfs has Bronze Corys, Albino Corys and Pygmy Corys. Can i get Pygmy Corys? Are they more difficult than the bronze or just the same?

Watch your fish cause I'm the...

Phantom Thief

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