New 30 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Sep 21, 2004
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I just got a new 30 gallon tank, and i was wondering, what fish whould be good for it and about how many could fit.
fishaholic said:
I just got a new 30 gallon tank, and i was wondering, what fish whould be good for it and about how many could fit.
looking for community or agressive fish
Well I think a community tank would be better because most agressive fish are big and need more than a 30 gallon tank.
Are you going for egglayers or livebearers or both?

Livebearers you could get guppies, platies, mollies, or swordtails. the last two get bigger than the others, so that'll lower the max amount of fish you can half. Just make sure you get 2-3 females per male to spread out the male's attention.

For egglayers you have a wide variety of fish. Some examples:
tetras (neons=> lots of fish addable)
dwarf gouramis
corydoras (suggestable for all community tanks to add life to bottom)
one-two otocinclus

You have many from each category to choose from and many other "categories" of fish.

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