new 30 gal


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
i just purchased a nice new 30 gal tank. now the question is what kinda filter should i get? H.O.B or canister?

should i get a submersible heater or a standard heater?

and if anyone has any ideas what should i stock the tank with? (i dont have a clue what to do)

thanx in advance for help.
Well personally I like filters with the biowheels like the Emperor 280 and 400 and also the penquins have them too. Aquaclears are also good and quiet. I also personally like submersible heaters but thats my preference.

I have a Emperor 400 and I love it but I suppose you could also get a canister filter but someone else will have to tell you about them.
Both types of filters are good its just your preference. On my discus tank i have a Aqua Clear 500, Eheim wet/dry 2227, and a Hydro V sponge. H.O.B. filters are easy to clean, maintane, and alot cheaper. Canisters are a lilttle bit more difficult to clean and more expensive. There is really no such thing as over filteration but depending on the fish u plan on keeping they might not like to much water movement. Both filters work just great but like i said its a personal preference. I like canisters and hobs, but canisters keeps the water clearer in my opinion but i still like both. When i had a 55g i used the filter that came with it for a year then i bought a magnum 350 pro system and was very satisfied. If you are on a budget i would go with the hob if not go with the canister. But remember hobs are much easier to clean than canisters. HTH
I forgot to say something about the heaters. This is also i personal preference, but i would go witht he submersible heater. Visitherm to be exact, they work great and are very reliable.
It really depends on what your planning on keeping. I have a cannister (fuval 304) on my sw tank and love it. I don't find them that hard to clean, but they must be kept up or will produce nitrates.

I also run an Aquafuge 18w UV sterilizer. This will kill disease, and micro algaes.

I used a HOB Whisper for awhile it was nice and easy to clean, but had to upgrade for the UV.

I prefer the submersible ebo jager heaters. I like the temperature control and the indicator light. I have never had a fish get burned by one and my has worked for three years now. I did have to replace a suction cup, but hey, it was a suction cup.

As far as stocking that just leaves to many possibilities. Have you decided fresh or salt?
kewl thanks for all the help. I think im gonna get a pengiun biowheel, and for the heater ill go for the one Paintball fan suggested.

as for what kinda tank its gonna be im thinkin community for the time being. and once i have saved up a few bucks maybe just maybe ill do a saltwater tank. im not so sure i can handle a saltwater yet.

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