New 29 Gallon Tank


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
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Here is a pic of my new tank I just got this morning. I's a 29 gallon stocked with 3 mollies. 2 Mickey Mouse platies, 3 tetras, 2 dwarf gouramis and 1 guppy. I had to run out today and buy this tank unexpectedly after realizing our 20 gallon tank had a slow leak. We only had it for about a month, hope this one lasts longer! lol.

No, the fish were from the old tank that was established. If it wasn't for the leak I would have never gotten the new tank. I used the water from the old tank and they seem to be fine.
Looks great! I wish my tank would get a slow leak so I can run out and get the new tank I want! haha Right now my reason of want isn't good enuf to buy a new tank :(
Did you put the old filter onto the new tank? That'll only go through a mini cycle, or possibly not even have a cycle. You'll still need a larger filter in the future but it'll hold up for a while, while you go out and by a new filter that will fit the 29 gallon. BTW, the tank looks really nice. :D

Thanks all for all the nice words and encouragement!!! This is my 1st attempt at keeping fish so I apoligize if I've done something wrong as far as setting up the tank and getting it going. My 3 year old has been asking for a fish for about a year now and I finally broke down and got him one. I didn't realize I'd like it so much actually!
I did use the old filter and media which was running for just over a month and I have the second filter (the one that came with the kit) in there as well. I put just about all of the old water in the new tank, then just topped it off with some fresh water. The 1st filter is small, only for a 10 gallon tank. And yes, those are fake plants. I heard that a newbie with no fish experience (me) should stick to fake plants for now...maybe in the future I'll get some real ones or when I really know what I'm doing, I'll get a saltwater set-up.
Thanks again for the replies, I am really enjoying this hobby.
lemme geuss, you got that center rock from petco? Haha I bought the same one when I set up a 29 gallon for my neighbor. :alien:

PetSmart actually! lol. The Petco by me has a Horrible selection of accessories. I think eventually I might replace the ship on the right side with something like the piece on the left. I don't know what I want to do for a background yet. There is a really nice exotic fish store near me I think I may pay a visit to tomorrow.

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