new 20 gollon cyling readings


New Member
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Philadelphia PA USA
:wub: Thanks for all your help in getting my tank up and running, fish r doing well.
took readings today and are as follws after 4 days
ammonia .50ppm
nitrAte 20ppm
nitrIte 0.5ppm
hardness 120ppm
alkalinity 80
ph 7.2

there are live plants in the tank, topfin20 outboard filter, and an undergravel filter, as in my previous post, i have a 10 gallon established tank that i transfered gravel into a stocking and hung it near the filter, also rubbed the filter sponges together to transfer good bacteria and transfered most of the tank ornaments. As i've been reading all the post here i know that some of these levels will peak and fall before adding new fish, just wanted to check to make sure this is normal.
Also, I tested my tap water (no conditioner added) and the readinds are as follows:
ammonia .50ppm
nitrAte 20ppm
hardness 120ppm
alkalinity 80

I did a 20 0/0 water change today and the readings are after the change the ammonia was 3.0ppm b4 the change, i also added more charcol mixed with zeolite granules (hope this was ok to do) and rubbed sponges together again for bacteria transfer. Am I doing the right things

20 gallon tank
2 danios All fish look happy and healthy swimming nicely
4 guppies(2males , 2 females)

10 gallon tank
2 females mollies (pregnant)
1 males molly
3 goldfish (iknow, iknow) inherited w/tank

thanks for you help, you guys r great :cool: :kana:
by the way my name is Patty
looking forward to hearing from you all soon
Is this the first time this tank has cycled? Did you add fish before fully cycling (i.e. it cycled and you added fish and the ammonia spiked up)? I guess your tap water readings are fine once you get your tank up and running. Any new ammonia should easily be rendered harmless once the tank ages.

If you don't mind, I'll add info or opinions on your fish as well.

Danios need to be kept in groups of 6 or more because they are shoaling fish and find safety in numbers. They might get stressed out if there is too much activity in or near the tank and would feel safer if they had other fish with them so they could scatter and confuse any potential predators.

Livebearers should be kept at 2 females to one male. This is not always necessary, but if one female is moved to a breeding tank or trap, the other female will have to deal with two males chasing her (perhaps even if the other female is there!).
this tank was just set up 4 days ago, and i follwed the instructions and opinions of others in the forum (see my other post *new 20 gallon tank, in beginner questions)
as far as cylcing i used my established tank to begin the process. Also I plan to get more danios when it is safe to add more fish. The water levels were all normal when i put the fish in, and as i read here i expected the levels to spike, I just wanted confirmation that what was going on is normal at this stage. I also want to make sure all is ok to be able to transfer my mollies into the new tank. And as for the guppies should I add another female to make the ratio 3 females to 2 males?
thanks for the advice
If the males aren't bothering the females too much, then just wait for the tank to cycle before adding more fish. Chances are the females aren't going to drop another batch of fish in a while (at least it's been tat way for all of my livebearers).

You're fine as it is now. Just continue with water changes and tests and you should be fine. :D :thumbs:
Well, since nobody else said anything, I'll stick my 2 cents in about the goldfish.

They grow VERY BIG. You need at a minimum a 20G tank for the two, if they are still small, and more than double that when they start growing. Also, they are very messy fish, and will make life miserable for your mollies due to the smount of waste they produce, and also because they chase any other fish away at feeding time.

Also, coldwater & tropical fish in the same tank?

I know they are just lil'' old goldfish, but....
yes, iknow about the gold fish, thats why i bought the new tank for my tropicals.But guess what, i found 2 FRY late last nite swimming around happily in my plants(guppies) am so excited. Never been a fishy gradma b4. But am concerned as my tank has not fully cycled, despite my best efforts and your great advice. I have been doing everything suggested. As stated b4 transfered gravels and filter medium(twice) and ornaments for good bacteria and as stated at begining of this fourum question my tank readings were posted and i expected my levels to spike and hopefully fall again. Should I do a partial water change again today? Everyday? What about feeding for the fry? I have frozen baby brine shrimp in my freezer (in anticipation) should I put a small amount in there for the fry? I have been tryin to feed the fish small amounts as not to let the aquarium get backed up b4 it gets a chance to build up enough good bacteria to handle fish waste. Am I doing this right? As you can see I have been doing alot of reading.
I think there may be more fry hiding under other ornaments as there is many places to hide as well as other plants and as you know the are small and hard to spot. they are quick little buggers cute too!!!!!
let me know you opinions!!!!


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