New 190 Oddball Tank?


New Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Hi all, me and the grlfnd would like to set up a tank of unusuals in a jewel trigon 190. Its gunna take me quite a long time getting plants decor etc, and making the water cycled etc. Heres a list of possibles weve been looking at. 2 or 3 clown loach, couple of tin foils or silver dollars, Bristlenose pleco, couple of candy striped gobys. A 5 inch cream coloured gar, name unknown as yet. 2 or 3 parrot fish. Girlfriend wants a dwarf puffer. Maybe a 6 inch silver or pearl arrowana in the near future. With having this type of fish together im hoping them to work together in removing all meaty, live foods left overs for cleanliness etc. We are wanting mostly meat eaters predators. Im sure my list will get shorter after compatibility reasons lol. We want a peaceful tank with no wars. Any help ideas?
I'm afraid the 190 will be too small for the clown loach, tinfoil barbs and arowana, and most likely the gar aswell, but will need a proper name to comfirm this. You could possible get away wth 2-3 parrots but apart from the bristle nose plec you probable won't beable to keep anything else with them.

dwarf puffers are going to do best in a small species tank.

most plants you put in would get eaten by the silver dollars aswell.
I'm afraid the 190 will be too small for the clown loach, tinfoil barbs and arowana, and most likely the gar aswell, but will need a proper name to comfirm this. You could possible get away wth 2-3 parrots but apart from the bristle nose plec you probable won't beable to keep anything else with them.

dwarf puffers are going to do best in a small species tank.

most plants you put in would get eaten by the silver dollars aswell.
Thought that might be the case, i have been through a number of sites where pple seem to keep un compatible fish together and get away with it? Ok what about the same fish species but all bought at very small sizes, or if not any shortlists ideas on a oddball set up? werent to keen on the tin foils n e way lol. Back to the drawing board lol, thanx for info.
yes people that put incampatible fish together might be testing and have the means to move them out to another suitable sized tank if need be or are just complete idiots which don't follow any advice.

Ok what about the same fish species but all bought at very small sizes

you mean buying all the fish you just listed above? there still going to outgrow your tank, might take them a couple months longer though.

for that size tank you could have things like senegal bichirs, firemouths, dragon gobies, peacock eels, angels, a few different types of catfish, like dwarf giraffe nose, porthole cats, doras, somke smaller L number plecs.

see what else you'ved seen and liked and try again on here!
Your original list of fish is baffling for a 190L, make sure you research all the species THOROUGHLY so you know their size and tank requirements.

As said, only the parrots & bristlenose will really be suitable, remember blood parrots can grow big, up to about 7" as far as i know, so you don't want to crowd them. Also remember that parrots can be aggressive as they are a central american cichlid (hybrid).

Maybe look into something like a brackish species tank if you want oddballs, or possibly something like an african cichlid tank with loaches / plecs ?...

When you say 190? It makes me think Trigon (or corner)....this is difficult with stocking too.(as the surface is smaller than a regular oblong tank)
For most need a "big" tank......6'x2'x2'......but ,again,that depends on what you want to finally stock.Good Luck with your quest and remember that research is the best thing you can ever do.x.

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