Hi all, me and the grlfnd would like to set up a tank of unusuals in a jewel trigon 190. Its gunna take me quite a long time getting plants decor etc, and making the water cycled etc. Heres a list of possibles weve been looking at. 2 or 3 clown loach, couple of tin foils or silver dollars, Bristlenose pleco, couple of candy striped gobys. A 5 inch cream coloured gar, name unknown as yet. 2 or 3 parrot fish. Girlfriend wants a dwarf puffer. Maybe a 6 inch silver or pearl arrowana in the near future. With having this type of fish together im hoping them to work together in removing all meaty, live foods left overs for cleanliness etc. We are wanting mostly meat eaters predators. Im sure my list will get shorter after compatibility reasons lol. We want a peaceful tank with no wars. Any help ideas?