New 150/265 gallon tanks


New Member
Mar 19, 2005
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Hi all, i have a 30 gallon tank. In my 30 gallon tank--My upgradee, i have an Oscar, a Polypterus, 2 Blood Parrots, 2 Severums, and Two Red Bellied Pacu. I know the size these tankbuster will achieve, which is why i have bought a new 125 (72x18x24) and a 265 gallon tank (84x24x30). I would like to know which fish i should sort into what...and which of my desired fish (big list below) should i get and what tank should i put them into. What other fish i can put in this tank. I am going to keep this tank in the long run so I would like to know what other fish i can put in for GOOD. I was thinking maybe (this is going to be a long list so please tell me: which, how many and what others i can put in)

Arowana, Siamese Tiger Fish, Wolf fish, Motoro Stingray(s), Clown/Ghost Knifefish, Jack Dempsey, Fire/peacock eel, Giant Pufferfish, Shortnose/Florida Gar, Striped Snakehead, Spotted Gar, Zebra Shovelnose, Florida Gar, Freshwater Barracuda. Now, before you right all of those life-impending death threats about how i am overstocking my tank, I am WELL aware that i cannot keep ALL of these fish. This is just a simple list of fish that i would like...not ALL of them! Please tell me which are compatible with the tank, which will fit, and which would be safe for my tank all-around. I would also like to turn the 30 gallon tank into an Angelfish, Ram Cichlid, or Discus breeding tank. Please tell me everything I am doing wrong!!! Thanks!

--Zach T.--
First off unless you are prepared to give a whole tank to just one fish forget the MBU (giant puffer) and striped snakehead, these are not suitable for communities and will not play nice with others. This may also go for the wolf fish depending on what species you are reffering to, the most common wolf Hoplias malabaricus is a extreem predator and requires a species tank. In some cases gold wolf fish; Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus, or red wolf fish; Erythrinus erythrinus, can be combined in community tanks with larger fish.

In the 265 you could stock the rays, arowana or a gar (not both) siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose (though this is better suited to a species tank) BGK and fire eel.

In the 125 you could stock the oscar, JD and clown knife.

FW baracuda could go into either tank but do not compete well with other fish for food and should not be kept with aggressive fish like Cichlids, they also do not grow big enough to live with large predators like arowanas and gars.

Peacock eels have no place in a tank with any of these fish due to their small size.
****Correction-- the tank is a 150 gallon not 125****

-- But i already have the 2 Red Bellied Pacu, 2 Albino Festivums, 2 Blood Parrots, and Polypterus senegalus... where should i put them??!!!??

I was thinking maybe i could do this...(please tell me if this is wrong)

In the 150 i would put the 2 Red Bellied Pacu(for a little while), Oscar, 2 Albino Festivums, 2 Blood Parrots, and Polypterus senegalus (everyone i have right now).

In the 265 i wanted to put in like 2-3 Hystrix/Orbiginyi rays, 2 Spotted Gars, Silver Arowana (which i can see is not compatible):/, 1 Clown Knife, Datnoid Pulchers, and maybe a few leopard banded leoprindus/ geophagus surinamensis.... and maybe 1 Zebra Shovelnose??? Would that work???
****Correction-- the tank is a 150 gallon not 125****

strange, says 125 here but ok, 25 gallons makes very little difference.

ZBT3091 Posted on Mar 20 2005, 02:01 AM
Hi all, i have a 30 gallon tank. In my 30 gallon tank--My upgradee, i have an Oscar, a Polypterus, 2 Blood Parrots, 2 Severums, and Two Red Bellied Pacu. I know the size these tankbuster will achieve, which is why i have bought a new 125 (72x18x24) and a 265 gallon tank (84x24x30).

I would highly recomend that you remove the Leporinus from your list, i have these fish and have found them to be highly aggressive and have killed several supposedly more aggressive fish, i currently keep mine with a school of Exodons where they are holding their own very well.

The other fish you have can be incorporated into the 265g.
it is a 135 gallon aquarium, not a 150; i have one also. lenght x width x height (in inches) divided by 231= us gallons.
CFC said:
In the 265 you could stock the rays, arowana or a gar (not both) siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose (though this is better suited to a species tank) BGK and fire eel.
I don't know much about the other fish you listed,but I do know BGK well...and from what I've read about , arowana ,gar ,siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose.....they are aggressive,no?
BGK do not do well with aggressive fish.It would either end up as lunch or just not come out to eat due to the stress .
No i meant that the new tank was a 150 (i dont know the dimensions) i decided to get a 150 instead of the 125! My main concern is the RB Pacu...will they be ok in the 150???
BlueIce said:
CFC said:
In the 265 you could stock the rays, arowana or a gar (not both) siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose (though this is better suited to a species tank) BGK and fire eel.
I don't know much about the other fish you listed,but I do know BGK well...and from what I've read about , arowana ,gar ,siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose.....they are aggressive,no?
BGK do not do well with aggressive fish.It would either end up as lunch or just not come out to eat due to the stress .
You are confusing aggression with being predatory, as a rule most predatory fish are peacefull to anything that is not food, it just doesnt pay to act like a aggressive jerk and scare all your food away does it? Any fish over 5 inches is safe with the fish i listed for the 265, the only exceptions would be other siamese tigers or fish with similar body shapes as STF can be territorially aggressive to their own kind, this is also presuming the arowana is a silver as jardini's are insanely aggressive and you wouldnt risk them with rays and zebra shovelnoses.
I have 5 Red Bellied Pacu in a 125 Gal. The fish are about 5 months old and are 7 inches long. Seeing that these fish will get 3 to 5 times bigger than they are now... 2 won't fit by themselves a year from now.

I have a soon to be home for 3 of them and will house the other two in an indoor pond I am near completing. Pacus are some great fish... but a pain to house...
CFC said:
BlueIce said:
CFC said:
In the 265 you could stock the rays, arowana or a gar (not both) siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose (though this is better suited to a species tank) BGK and fire eel.
I don't know much about the other fish you listed,but I do know BGK well...and from what I've read about , arowana ,gar ,siamese tiger, zebra shovelnose.....they are aggressive,no?
BGK do not do well with aggressive fish.It would either end up as lunch or just not come out to eat due to the stress .
You are confusing aggression with being predatory, as a rule most predatory fish are peacefull to anything that is not food, it just doesnt pay to act like a aggressive jerk and scare all your food away does it? Any fish over 5 inches is safe with the fish i listed for the 265, the only exceptions would be other siamese tigers or fish with similar body shapes as STF can be territorially aggressive to their own kind, this is also presuming the arowana is a silver as jardini's are insanely aggressive and you wouldnt risk them with rays and zebra shovelnoses.
Thanks for clarifying that for me :)
Actually i was thinking maybe an Asian Arowana.

OK so for the final i was thinking maybe

30- 2 Albino Festivums

150- Red Bellied Pacu, Oscar, Blood Parrots

265- Polypterus Senegalus, 3 Hystrix Rays, Asian Arowana, 2 Shortnose Gars, 1 Zebra Shovelnose (do they get to the same size as Tiger Shovelnoses???) the Clown Knife, and 2-3 Datnoid Pulchers... how is that? Anyone i can add? How about to the 150?
Scrap the gars if you want the arowana, the tank doesnt have enough surface area to support 2 different giant surface dwelling predators.

The Dats need to be in a group of 5 or just 1, with a small group 1 will go dominant and make life hell for the other 2.

The senegal bichir will probably be eaten at some point.

A 150 is not big enough for the pacu but the pacu should not be kept with rays or the tigrinus.

With your current stocking plan with the above amendments your tanks are fully stocked.
The meroduntus tigrinus -zebra shovel nose get to around 2ft and will eat anything they can fit in there mouths just like any other large cat.

do you also realise the cost of some of the fish? a asian arowana is going to cost atleast £300 and same goes for the zebra shovelnose for a descent size species and hystrix rays although being the cheaper ones will cost around £80 each.

with all these expensive fish you still want agresive fish that may injur or kill these lovely fish?
Weren't all your questions answered on AP?

I'll give you my two cents though.

-asian aro
-tigrinis cat

Thats all i would put in there.

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