New 125 gallon tank, which filter?


Dec 19, 2004
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Boston, MA
Hey guys i am getting a new 125 gallon tank and i was wondering what you think would be the best possible second filter i can get for a cheaper price. I dont want to spend that much on it because the tank has shorted me on money. I have a pengiuin 330 biowheel right now and i want to get one more filter im kind of siding toward the aqua clear 500 but what do you guys think is my best option?

Also when i cyle my tank with a fish cycle, which type of fish should i get and how many of them?
Are you ok with keeping the fish you cylced the tank with as permanent inhabitants? If so, you could probably get away with a school of danios and perhaps a few platies, seeing as how it's such a big tank. :dunno:

Is the first filter not running properly, or does it have too small a turnover rate?
Well im not gunna leave them in there because im getting fish that will definately eat them and i dnt like feeding live fish (diseases etc.) so no they wont be kept.

The filter is 330 gph which is not enough for a 125 gallon tank.
The AquaClear 500 is an excellent filter for mechanical and chemical filtration but if you're looking for a hang on the tank filter (HOTT) or hang on back filter (HOB) then the Emperor 400 would be a better all around filter (IMO) because of the excellent biological filtration provided by the bio-wheels. I'm buying a second one for my 75G tank. I was very tempted by the AC500 so I did a lot of research on-line and read a lot of reviews and decided on a second Emperor. They both are excellent filters and I don't think you could go wrong with either. For a tank that size have you considered a cannister?
If it's saltwater you're going for then I can't help you. For freshwater I second the recommendation of danios and platies as they are pretty hardy. I'd say add maybe around 6-10 zebra danios in a tank that size. Borrow some filter media from your 55 gallon and maybe some gravel/sand as well. But since you're not going to keep them you'd have to consider how to "dispose" of them after cycling. Could you keep them in your 55? What do you have planned for your 125 and 55 after cycling? Sharing your plans could help us give you better advice. Have you considered a fishless cycle?
Sorry i havent updated my siginiture but the 55 is actually no longer running, i plan to just have the 125 running with gravel and for filters i am using a penguin biowheel 330 and a Aqua Clear 500. I will jus buy the danios and give them back to my lfs when my cycle is done. The fishless cycle seems to confusing and i think i would rather do the normal cycle.

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