New 120 Litre Tank


New Member
Jun 25, 2011
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New member looking for advice. Have had experiance previously in keeping small community tanks. This time around I was hoping to have a more aggresive set up. Was thinking red tailed shark, clown loach etc. Any suggestions.
Both the solitary Red Tail Shark and the social Clown Loach need much bigger tanks than a 120l, the former needing at least a 4-foot and the latter 6-foot.

Not many "aggressive" fish spring to mind that would suit a 120l, but a few that do...
  • A hareem of Tanganyikan shell dwelling cichlids, with some "dither" fish such as a group of Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish (would depend on you having "hard" water with a pH 8+)
  • A pair or hareem of a dwarf cichlid species, again with a dither group (more suitable for a "soft" water area with a pH approx 6-7)
  • A few small, opportunistic predators (eg. African Butterfly Fish, a single Leopard Bushfish or perhaps a trio of a smaller member of the group like Microctenopoma congicum)

A bigger tank would give you so many more options, like Malawi cichlids, a collection of spiteful Asian loaches like Syncrossus species and Botia modesta etc.

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