new 100 gallon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2004
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I have a 100 gallon aquarium ready for fish. I am moving my 4 kenyi's to it. I was wondering how many more I should get and what other kinds of fish could go. Silver dollars, balas, electric yellows, texas, dempsey, anything? I would like an active tank. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Also, can I put two firemouths or jewels in my twenty gallon? :flex:
Ok kenyi are african cichlids and the only other fish on that list that are africans are the electric yellows and I don't even know if those can be put with kenyi because electrics are some of the least aggressive african cichlids. Africans and New world cichlids cannot be held together beccause of big Ph diferences. Africans like ph in the 8s and NW cichlids like it in the 6.5 region. You're better off keeping the kenyi in the 25 and turning the 100 gallon into a new world cichlid tank wich would be able to house a lot of the fish on your list together.

100 gal EX tank

5 silver dollars
school of balas?
other small agressive new world cichlids

getting a few big new world cichlids

1 big new world cichlid (Ex oscar or texas)
and some of those others on your list such as a school of SDs

Turn the 100 into an African Cichlid tank. Then you could move the Kenyi into the 100 gallon with their own species and turn the 25 into a small Nw cichlid tank.
This is what i'm planning for my 90 gallon tank

4 pseodtropheus elongatus
4 melanchromis johanni
4 pseudotropheus lombardoi (Kenyi)
4 labidochromis caeruleus (electric yellow)
4 synodontis petriciola

It is best to keep your mbunas' which is what a kenyi is (rock dwelling fish from lake malawi with other kenyi's) so pretty much the only thing on your list you could keep with them is a electric yellow
As your tank is substantially bigger footprint and gallons...
You could add probally one more species of mbuna and more petricola or replace those with an easier to find syno such as multipunctatus if you wanted

any of my fish could be replaced with a more agrisive mbuna like pseodotropheus demasoni or such avoid any more less agrisive fish like the electric yellows, pseodstropheus demasoni or acie one group of them is enough

it is best that since you already have agrisive mbuna such as kenyi to stay with other agresive mbuna, their water requirements are different then all other species you listed (excludeing the electric yellows), as well as temperment and behavior

if you plan to keep your Kenyi ypu should do a african mbuna tank

Cichlidaddict has posted a great article in this section and that should get you started on tank setup
Never mind anymore. Thank you for all the help. The 100 gallon turned out to be a 55 gallon and a peice o' junk. I'm still working for a new 55 though. thanks again. :flex:

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