This is what i'm planning for my 90 gallon tank
4 pseodtropheus elongatus
4 melanchromis johanni
4 pseudotropheus lombardoi (Kenyi)
4 labidochromis caeruleus (electric yellow)
4 synodontis petriciola
It is best to keep your mbunas' which is what a kenyi is (rock dwelling fish from lake malawi with other kenyi's) so pretty much the only thing on your list you could keep with them is a electric yellow
As your tank is substantially bigger footprint and gallons...
You could add probally one more species of mbuna and more petricola or replace those with an easier to find syno such as multipunctatus if you wanted
any of my fish could be replaced with a more agrisive mbuna like pseodotropheus demasoni or such avoid any more less agrisive fish like the electric yellows, pseodstropheus demasoni or acie one group of them is enough
it is best that since you already have agrisive mbuna such as kenyi to stay with other agresive mbuna, their water requirements are different then all other species you listed (excludeing the electric yellows), as well as temperment and behavior
if you plan to keep your Kenyi ypu should do a african mbuna tank
Cichlidaddict has posted a great article in this section and that should get you started on tank setup