New 10 gallon


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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I got another 10 gallon tank, this is rediculous, ahha. Anyways I was wondering if this looked okay for stocking the tank:
6 neon tetra
2 peppred cory
2 black mollies (females so no fry!)

Does this look okay? Its away from the light so I wont have algae issues.

Also on my other ten gallon I have 2 otto cats. I'm afraid they'll go the way of my pleco and die because of lack of food. Now I have what looks to be brown algae growing on my plants but they still swim around frantically and rarely seem to 'eat', is there anything besides direct sunlight (which I have been providing) that would help keep them fed?

Thanks, sorry I made this so long
Your stock plan should be ok...

As for food for ottos, you should try to feed them some vegetables. Try blanching lettuce leaves and put it in the tank. It might take them a while to get used to the new food source but they will even tually like it.

Try lettuce, zuchini slices, cucumer slices, peas, etc... You shouldn't rely on algae as the only source of food for algae eaters...
Thanks for the help, just what is blanching? I looked it up and it said whitening and I dont think that makes sense, haha.
_]im said:
Thanks for the help, just what is blanching? I looked it up and it said whitening and I dont think that makes sense, haha.
Oh... Did I mis-spell that? :lol:

Anyways, I meant to say you boil is slightly to soften it up a bit without loosing all the goodies that is contained in the vegetable...
okay, i'll make it 3, i have 2 in the other tank and 3 in another, i dont know if its the breed of cory, but my albino ones wont stop swimming around where my peppered ones just kind of skim the bottom all the time, but 3 peppered it is!

Thanks for the help everyone

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