New 10 Gallon Nano


Oct 13, 2009
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Boston Area
This will be my first nano, and I was wondering if this sounded OK

For fish I was hoping for a pair of firefish gobies, and a clown goby if possible.

For inverts, I would like a cleaner shrimp

For CUC, how about 1 blue legged hermit, and 3 snails(any suggestions?)

Is this total stocking OK? I will be upgrading the lighting when(and if) I decide to get corals, and I will be aiming for 15xgph at the start, and will upgrade from there. I am planning ahead big time with this(maybe almost a year), so I have plenty of time.
How "Nano" is your nano? How many litres? Are you planning on having a sump?
I am planning on a minimum of 10 gallons, but hopefully more like 15-20. I will not have a sump in the beginning, but may add one later on(if possible)

How does the stocking sound?
stocking will be fine with those gobies ... they don't eat much ....

I have a small emerald crab in my 10 gallon reef tank.... he spends a lot of time hiding and has not eaten much so far (I bought him hoping he would help clean the tank, but was later told the blue legged crabs do a better job eating algae).

Keep in mind that having coral in the tank generates waste just like fish do and a lot of coral will take up space on the rock where algae would otherwise be. (algae removes nitrates).

I have so much algae in the tank that some people consider it unattractive, but I have zero nitrates all the time.


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Thanks for all of the help. Is the blue legged crab you mentioned a blue legged hermit? I am hoping to get corals later on because that way I will have more experience with saltwater. I remember that I used to have algae like that in one of my freshwater tanks. I would rather just do water changes though :lol:.

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