New 10 gallon fish tank

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Jun 22, 2005
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Hi, I'm new. Nice to meet you all. I currently have 3 long finned zebra danios living in a 10 gallon tank because I was told that I needed some hardy fish to cycle the tank. So far they're doing really well in it. I'm wondering what kind of fish I could add to the tank when the tank is cycled. What kind of fish would be compatible with the danios and how many can I add without overstocking the tank? Should I go with dwarf gouramis, platys, tetras? I will only choose one type of species to add. Thanks.
Mmm...Danios should really have a bigger tank, since they are very active. Preferably at least 20 gallons. So you may have to take them back, or get a bigger tank for them...

Assuming you don't have the danios...
A Dwarf Gourami would be nice. Just get one, because they can be territorial (Assuming you get a male...which you probably will, because females can be hard to find). Or you could have a male or female Betta...INSTEAD of the Gourami. Just wanted to emphasis that, because they will not work together.
Pygmy Cories are nice little fish.... Maybe 4-6 Pgymy Cories.
A small school of Neons could work. Or some other Kind of small Rasbora.
Platies are good, as as Guppies. But beware, these fish will have a LOT of fry...and you'll quickly get over-run.

Basically, there are a few combinations. What kind of fish do you want? :) A small school of fish, a trio of fish, single fish...? Just give us some idea as to what you would like, as there are LOTS of possibilities.
I'm trying to set up a simple 10 gallon tropical fish tank with about 3-6 fish in it and it contains artificial plants and rocks with holes for the the fish to swim through, this is to entertain my cats and myself. I don't want fry and I don't want any complications.

I was told by the fish guys at Petco that gouramis, plats, guppies, etc are not hardy enough for the cycling process and that I had to start with danios. I thought just 3 danios which are very small would be no problem starting out. They are only 2 inches, so that only takes up 6 gallons of water. I have 4 gallons of water left for a couple more fish, Danios can't live as a trio in a 10 gallon tank with 2 fish of a different species? According to the fish guys at Petco that would be fine.

If I do have to get rid of my danios, then how can I cycle the tank and produce a successful tropical 10 gallon aquarium since I don't have the space for anything larger. -_-

I've read on this forum that female bettas can be kept together. I didn't know that. I thought even they would fight. Can I keep 5 female bettas in a 10 gallon tank without problems? If yes, perhaps that would be a solutionl. :/
sardine said:
I'm trying to set up a simple 10 gallon tropical fish tank with about 3-6 fish in it and it contains artificial plants and rocks with holes for the the fish to swim through, this is to entertain my cats and myself. I don't want fry and I don't want any complications.

I was told by the fish guys at Petco that gouramis, plats, guppies, etc are not hardy enough for the cycling process and that I had to start with danios. I thought just 3 danios which are very small would be no problem starting out. They are only 2 inches, so that only takes up 6 gallons of water. I have 4 gallons of water left for a couple more fish, Danios can't live as a trio in a 10 gallon tank with 2 fish of a different species? According to the fish guys at Petco that would be fine.

If I do have to get rid of my danios, then how can I cycle the tank and produce a successful tropical 10 gallon aquarium since I don't have the space for anything larger. -_-

I've read on this forum that female bettas can be kept together. I didn't know that. I thought even they would fight. Can I keep 5 female bettas in a 10 gallon tank without problems? If yes, perhaps that would be a solutionl. :/
first if all PETCO know nothing LOL
people do keep female bettas together but they may fight and it is risky i would go for some guppies and a dwarf gourami or a male betta and definetly 4 or 5 pygmy corys as they will occupy the bottom of the water.

the danios need at least a 20 gallon and should be kept in more than 3s

you should really be doing a fishless cycle rather than using fish and to do this you need to add amonia - ask a more experienced person on how to cycle fishless

so i recommend returning the danios, doing a fishless cycle and then choosing the right fish
Yes, return the Danios, and do a fishless cycle. Add fish slowly, if you are going to do that. You can keep female Bettas together...5 is a good number. They MAY fight though, so it can be kind of risky. And since you don't want complications...I wouldn't recommend it.

I'd say you could get a Dwarf Gourami OR a Male Betta. 4-5 Pygmy Cories for the top and middle levels...and I don't know what else...that might be enough. Perhaps if you got a Gourami, you could get a trio of some kind of small Barb. Or a little school of Dwarf Rasboras. :) I think that those ideas could make a pretty tank.

And yeah...unfortunatly most Petco and Petsmart people don't know a whole lot about fish. :sad:
Instead of returning the danios, ask an lfs by you if they can give you some gravel or a piece of sponge from one of their filters. That should cycle the thank very quickly. IME, danios are extremely unhappy in anything smaller than a 20g... they hate being cramped in small tanks and soon grow listless. I would suggest putting a group of female dwarf platies in your tank! 5 or 6 would look really nice, and they only get to be 1in long. So, that leaves you with 4-5in more of fish that you can fit in. Some bottom feeders or algae eaters maybe... such as a few cories or otos. :thumbs:

BTW- Petco people know next to nothing. I'm surpised they even told you that you should cycle your tank first. :lol:
But 3fsh...she said she doesn't want any fry or complications. It can be kind of hard to get female Platies that aren't pregnant already....or that don't have stored sperm to become pregnant.

Good idea about the sponge and cycling, though! :thumbs:
  But 3fsh...she said she doesn't want any fry or complications. It can be kind of hard to get female Platies that aren't pregnant already....or that don't have stored sperm to become pregnant.

Well, most reputable LFS keep their males seperate from their females... but I see your point. Mine are going to have fry in about a month that I could seperate if sardine wants some... :whistle:
I agree about returning the danios. They may even give you credit for them. I think it would be beautiful with either a Dwarf Gourami or male betta and a school of cory cats. What kind of substrate do you have? Cories need a smooth, small gravel or sand. Big sharp gravel will damage their barbels. I would be careful about putting certain nippy fish (neons tend to be this way in my experience) with either a betta or a gourami, too. If you go for a big center-piece fish, I'd get some bottom-dwellers, that way you don't have to worry too much.
Is it difficult to do a fishless cycle? A guy at another fish place called Octopuss Garden told me it's fine to cycle a 10 gallon with 3 danios. Is this a real fact that I shouldn't do it or a matter of opinion?
Any fish will cycle a tank. That's the truth. Danios are EXTREMELY hardy fish which is why they are recommended. I would, if I were you, finish the cycle with the danios, they should survive it, then return them. They should't live in a 10 gallon. Return them in the same day you get the new fish, or you will uncycle the tank.

Good luck.
i would return the danios after cycling or before depending on what you want to do!its not reall fair keeping them i a 10gal anmd it will leave your stocking options much more open :thumbs:
some advice:dont listen to LFS employees lol!
dont worry about it we all amke mistakes!
Annastasia said:
4-5 Pygmy Cories for the top and middle levels...
Annastasia cories are not upper and middle level fish they stick to the base of the tank and sift the sand and gravel
Returning the danios after the tank is cycled is a good idea. Then I would have more choices. I hope Petco doesn't have a problem with it. I don't have my receipt. One of the guys in the fish department said that if I brought back my danios he would use them as feeder fish. Another person said it should be no problem for me to return them. So the next time I want to go about cycling a tank I should just ask you. I still don't understand. Danios are such tiny fish and they don't appear to be unhappy in my tank. But I'll consider returning them.

So what fish combo would be best. I'm using artificial plants so there is no algae for bottom feeders available. I don't want fry. Should I go with a trio of male platys, male gouramis, some male guppies(How come guppies can live in a 10 gallon and not danios?), tetras? I prefer hardy fish.

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