Never thought about fish getting pregnant


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derbyshire..... Again
I just wanted to know what a pregnant guppy/danio looks like, because i think that i have a pregnant guppy and pearl danio, dirty fishies! Also wanted to know what this gravid spot was all about?? thanks :D
If your guppy is alive, and female chances are she IS pregnant. The gavid spot is a small dark area just forward and above the anal fin. This dark coloration is do to the eyes of the developing fry inside her.

Danio's are egg scatters and are not fertilized internally so your danio couldnt be pregnant. But if you have a female with a swollen, deep belly, chances are she's full of eggs. Breeding danio's is not difficult but it will require a seperate tank.
thanks alot!! So i'm going to have guppy babies! that will be good, if any survive, if not then it'll be some good lunch for the other fishies! Thanks again!

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