Never Moving


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
All my young female DT ever does is sit on the bottom of her tank, eat and poo. She never moves unless I nudge her with my finger. She has no trouble swimming and comes up for air, then just swims back down to the sand. She's not sick because I've treated her for every sickness I can think of, but still nothing. It's really rather annoying, how can I get her to move on her own?
Hi, I'm quite new to keeping fish, so I don't know how much help this will actually be to you.

When I got my male betta he just sat on the bottom, looking quitelost for the first 2 days. I think he was daunted by the size of the tank he is in compared to the tiny bowl he was in in the shop. I left him alone and he is now swimming around the tank, and I swear he has a smile on his face.

Anyhow, maybe if you don't prod your betta it will swim on its own. I think I would be quite stressed out if I was being prodded. Also, maybe the medication has stressed out your fish, if it is not ill?

This is all just my opinion, but maybe if you leave it alone for a week and let it do its own thing it will start swimming around of its own violition.
if its the betta in the 1 gallon tank, she hasnt really got anywhere to swim, maybe she would do better in a larger tank.
It could be depression , scroll down to the bottom to depression and if you want you can take a look at the other diseases to try and match her symptoms. Have you tried placing a male next to her tank?

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