Never hardly see my freshwater shrimp. Is this normal?


New Member
May 26, 2023
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I have 3 red cherry shrimp in my 3 Gal tank. But I hardly ever see them.. I thought maybe they were dead but like once a week I might see one out.

Is this normal with shrimp? That they seem to hide 95% of the time..

Do you have a photo of the whole tank you could post?
Shrimp are nocturnal and only come out during the day if they are really hungry and there is lots of hiding places.
That is.. ehm... nice to look at but very lacking in terms of animal care.
There are not enough places for the shrimps to hide in the presence of a predator (the neon tetras), and neons are fast streamlined fish that need to be kept in long tanks where they can swim an horizontal distance, not less than 3 feet at the very minimum.
This might lead them to all sort of problems, including harassing the shrimps.
Looks like it has a nice dark cave for them to hide in...
not enough hiding place.
too much light for shrimp to come out.

floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) would help
I agree with diffusing the light some... with floating plants, or does your LED light have different brightness levels??? that particular one is quite bright "white" light, even a "warmer" color ( the ones that look more yellow / red ) would probably help the shrimp feel more at ease

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