Never Comes Out!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Keighley, UK
I have 9 Neon Tetras in my tank but for the last couple of days 1 of them is nearly always hidden inside the cave. I've coaxed him out twice now and when I come back to the tank a few hours later he's back inside the cave. When he is out he seems normal enough, the other Tetras aren't chasing him (from what I've seen anyway).

He did venture to the mouth of the cave by himself last night so I dropped some food in and it went right past the opening. He didn't go and eat it?

I can't see any colour difference, at least last night I couldn't but he's hidden so who knows now?

What could he possibly be doing?

Water stats are normal and the other fish as you'd expect.



I don't think there's anything you can do. It's hard to know how stressed fish are when we buy them. I find that sometimes, despite your best efforts and intentions, some fish just don't do well. It's hard to know why...most likely this particular fish is weaker and hasn't handled the stress of being moved about as well as the others. As long as your water is good and all/most of your other fish are doing well, I wouldn't get too worried about it. At least it's not a $70.00 Discus!!!
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
How long did you climatise the new fish for.
What was the ph of the lfs you bought them from to your tank.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
125 Rio Tank

How many fish and which type.
9 Neon Tetras

Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
All normal, ph 7.2

How long did you climatise the new fish for.
They've all been in for 3 weeks now, climatised them as per instructions on here.

What was the ph of the lfs you bought them from to your tank.
Couldn't say for sure but he did mention 6.8.

The fish has 'joined the ranks' for the past hour or 2, seems happy enough?

Thinking back, I nearly always do a count when having a watch or feeding them and half of the time theres always 1 less, as if one likes to hide! Me and the missus have even started making a joke on it saying he/she's the shy one!

Wonder if its now discovered this cave and thought it could 'chill out' in there for a bit instead of behind a plant or something!

Ok thats fine then.
Just keep an eye on him.
Neons that leave the school can be ntd. but I had neons that don't always stick together and it wasn't ntd.
I have a Neon like that. I have had the three neons for some time then added 6 cardinals and one little fella likes to hide between meals. You sometimes see hm join the others but he has been a loner now for about 4 weeks. I suspect he is getting old now so maybe that is it.

It is worrying but if there are no obvious symptoms what can you do?
I had some black neons and some of them would hide away.
As long as they don't have clamped fins or look pale I wouldn't worry to much.
Just keep on eye on the red stripe area that is stays vibrant red, and dosn't look bleached out or a milky subtance on the red stripe area.

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